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Cavy Kung-Fu

Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Brighton, UK
Hi guys! (Sorry I only seem to come on when I need help, it’s been really difficult with losing piggies and poorly piggies I’ve been finding it hard to come on.) After losing Iggy last year I thought my bladder troubles were behind me but boy was I wrong.

My beautiful Andromeda has started urinating blood, it’s quite a bright red sometimes and she’s been losing weight. She’s never had any prior health issues.

She’s had an X-ray and ultrasound; no stones or sludge just a thickened bladder lining. We’ve had her on a week of co-trimoxazole which helped a little and it came back then almost a fortnite of baytril which helped a bit again so there was less blood in the urine and she perked up but it never went away. She’s been on loxicom this whole time too.

Is this IC again? If it is it’s a lot more dramatic than Iggy’s as he had proteins present in his urine but never actual blood. I’ve started her on cystease, I’ve cut veg out completely temporarily and we’re feeding critical care and Pro C. She’s eating some hay but not a lot.

She’s loving the extra attention and seems relatively happy considering that she’s obviously uncomfortable. She’s not vocalising when weeing/pooping anymore and she tenses a little sometimes but doesn’t hunch.

Can anyone give any advice on what else I can do to sort out her bladder thickening? Anything to help her. Thank you!
I'm sorry you are constantly worried, I know what you mean. Though I do love the oldies they get so mellow in their old age.
Just giving this a bit of a bump!

I'm sorry you are constantly worried, I know what you mean. Though I do love the oldies they get so mellow in their old age.
Oh definitely, that’s what makes it so hard! They’re much more relaxed and affectionate. Although poorly, Drom has been loving the VIP treatment and attention. It’s actually bringing us even closer as she’s always been an independent little madam!
I’m so sorry for all the stress and worry 😞 I would definitely look at a possible IC diagnosis if infection, bladder stones and reproductive problems have been ruled out x
Thank you! Is there anything new in treatment for IC? I don’t know if it’s normal for the wees to be bloody as Iggy’s weren’t red like Drom’s are so I’m not sure where to go from here x
Thank you! Is there anything new in treatment for IC? I don’t know if it’s normal for the wees to be bloody as Iggy’s weren’t red like Drom’s are so I’m not sure where to go from here x
I believe the treatment is the same although it’s been a couple of years since I had an IC pig. Emma and Ellen had a capsule of cystease daily and metacam when they were having a flare. Both Emma and Ellen had red wees when having a flare. I feed a low calcium diet too and filter the drinking water x
Thanks! Is that one capsule a day? We’re currently doing 2 capsules, 3mls of water and giving 1ml a day split into 2 doses as that was the sweet spot for Iggy. I just wish we knew more about it and how to fix it :( x
Yes I used to give one capsule a day but some people give more and some less depending on the severity. I think I used to mix one capsule with about 2ml of water although I can’t quite remember. It’s such a shame that not much is known about the condition and there isn’t a cure 😞 x
Yes I used to give one capsule a day but some people give more and some less depending on the severity. I think I used to mix one capsule with about 2ml of water although I can’t quite remember. It’s such a shame that not much is known about the condition and there isn’t a cure 😞 x
I know, nothing makes me feel as helpless as IC does 😔 Hers seems more severe than Iggy’s did. The blood can be quite bright but she doesn’t vocalise when she wees like he did so I don’t really know if that’s better or worse? Eurgh it’s so hard isn’t it? X
I know, nothing makes me feel as helpless as IC does 😔 Hers seems more severe than Iggy’s did. The blood can be quite bright but she doesn’t vocalise when she wees like he did so I don’t really know if that’s better or worse? Eurgh it’s so hard isn’t it? X

My Emma rarely vocalised where as Ellen did. It is hard especially when we don’t know how to help them x