New Born Pup
Hello. I am completely new to guinea pigs/ care and maintenance. We are caring for my child's class pet who os approximately 5to 6 yrs old. She is an albino named Marshmallow. She has lost weight over the past week or two. I can tell when I hold her. (Not from weighing her)
I have her on fleece which I change daily because her feet get irritated if I don't. This morning I noticed blood on her fleece. After just 10 minutes I noticed blood on the new fleece. I washed her bottom bc it almost looked like it was coming out with her poo but I still can't tell. The vet cannot get her in until Tuesday and there is no other "exotics" vet in our town.
A friend suggested she may have a uti and to give her fish antibiotics- but I am not going to do anything like that without consult from people who know guinea pigs- and can say what they have tried in the past. I know no one can give me "medical advice". I just want to make sure Marshie is as comfortable as possible until I can get her care, or if she is leaving this world.
I have her on fleece which I change daily because her feet get irritated if I don't. This morning I noticed blood on her fleece. After just 10 minutes I noticed blood on the new fleece. I washed her bottom bc it almost looked like it was coming out with her poo but I still can't tell. The vet cannot get her in until Tuesday and there is no other "exotics" vet in our town.
A friend suggested she may have a uti and to give her fish antibiotics- but I am not going to do anything like that without consult from people who know guinea pigs- and can say what they have tried in the past. I know no one can give me "medical advice". I just want to make sure Marshie is as comfortable as possible until I can get her care, or if she is leaving this world.