Blood Drawn Fighting. Is It Time?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2015
Reaction score
I put my two seperated guineas together for 2minutes to see if they alowly wanted to get back together and they drew blood ans fought.
I had to pick one up and 15inches ofd the floor they were togher on a bite and rhen fell and let go.
Full fight hard teeth chomping.

Is it time to build a second floor?
I put my two seperated guineas together for 2minutes to see if they alowly wanted to get back together and they drew blood ans fought.
I had to pick one up and 15inches ofd the floor they were togher on a bite and rhen fell and let go.
Full fight hard teeth chomping.

Is it time to build a second floor?

I have been afraid that separating them at this tricky time may be the tipping point. I don't think that they will go back together now.:(
I'm so sorry to hear this. You've tried so hard to keep them together. Boys will be boys I'm afraid.
Okay i checked them and no blood but it was very vicous and even with my hands to seperate them they didnt stop and moo bit nibbles so hard he lifted off the ground very high when i picked nibbs up.
They fought really really hard. And in there cage they wanted to fight through the divider.
They also teeth chatterd and did there stance inbetween the divider.

Now that there seperated there both crying shreeks.
I cant beleive i fucking bought one guinea pig a 300+dollar cage.
And now the other pig is in a 1.6x3.3 cage
Nibbs was rough humping moo and moo kept telling him to stop and back off. And nibbles humped him even harder
Oh no that's bad to read. I'm really sorry that they have fallen out so badly.
The only thing I can suggest is to experiment. A lot of people do find that their pigs are happier if they can see and hear each other, but in some cases it can just aggravate them. I had a sow who fell out with the other sows and she was happier without any kind of access to the others. She was happier totally separated. Yours may not be though.

You could try putting a fine mesh between them so they know each other is there but cannot bite at one another, I think you need to experiment.
Well, they could be better off totally separate in their own cages, even if one cage is bigger than the other. As I say, one of mine didn't want ANY kind of contact with the others after she fell out with them. Whereas others need contact. It's hard to know until you've tried it for a while, but if they fight like that when they're together then it doesn't sound like they'll gel with each other.
Is there a way that you could join the cages but put something in the centre to stop them meeting but still able to see each other? I don't know what type of cages you have so just a suggestion.
Yes before the fight.
And @theor
Its a 2x6 brand new grid cage tht cost me 300 a few weeks ago and yes they had a divider but could still see each other. After the fight i put them on each side then they wanted to teeth chatter and fight each other with the divider blocking them.
Should i do a 2x3 double decker or a 2x4?
Either way i have to buy more parts online
Should i do a 2x3 double decker or a 2x4?
Either way i have to buy more parts online
Well you have two cages, the grid cage and the shop-bought cage, so why don't you experiment with them for a while. You could try putting one next to the other, or the smaller cage in a different room or the other side of the room perhaps? Or get the table you were on about and have one on the table and one under it. See if they are happier being able to see each other or happier totally away from each other. Then perhaps you will have a better idea of what set-up is likely to work best for your pigs, before you spend money on getting the grids.
They are whimpering and depressed and wont eat there veggies. I think they tore fur out aswell
Hardly eating there veggies.
I picked moo and he let out some soft gentle quiet purrs. And i was rubbing his back he turned arround slowly and put his head under my hand and nudged it and i rubbed his head and he purred.

He never purred for me before.

I has 29grids and no connectors if i make it a 2x4 cage. And ill do Nother 2x4 cage double bunker.

In the 2x6 with the divider they were trying to fight through it.
But when i took moo out of the cage completly he wouldnt stop crying and wheeking.
Nibbles wouldnt get off of him and he threw nibbles off a few times and then got to the point he said stop or ill kill you.
But nibbles wouldnt stop
Should there cage be one at the left of the room abd one right of the room or a double bunker?
Moo is sad alone.
But when we move them out they will probaly be in the living room and will be a double bunker
Nibbles is happy and pop corning. Moo is sad and depressed.
Should i put nibbles in the smaller cage because he started it.
It doesn't really work like that with animals lol. They are just doing what is natural to them.

Why don't you alternate them, but one in for so many days or a week and then swap them over? that's what I see others on the forum do.

Just make sure the cages are cleaned/washed when you do it :D (scent)
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