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Bloated pig


New Born Pup
Jul 12, 2023
Reaction score
Hi everyone

My 4.5 year old guinea pig has a sludge issue and about two months ago passed a bladder stone on her own. i thought she had another one as she was showing the same symptoms - hunched in a ball, lethargic, not eating or drinking much, losing weight, poops are small and dry. after a visit to the vet, an x-ray showed she is bloated. she has been put on 0.25ml of meloxidyl 2x a day and 0.16ml of metronidazole 2x a day. it’s been two days since she’s been on the meds and i haven’t seen an improvement. she is still hunched over most of the time, is lethargic, eats hay and drinks water a littleee more now but not nearly as much as she used to. i stopped giving her veggies for the time being. i am also giving her critical care a few times throughout the day. after some research, today i started giving her belly rubs but she hates it and i can only do it for 2 minutes at a time. earlier today i put her on a heating pad (not directly on it though) and got a vibrating app on my phone and put that under her. am i doing everything correctly? should i be doing something differently?

how long does it usually take to start seeing some improvements?
Hi everyone

My 4.5 year old guinea pig has a sludge issue and about two months ago passed a bladder stone on her own. i thought she had another one as she was showing the same symptoms - hunched in a ball, lethargic, not eating or drinking much, losing weight, poops are small and dry. after a visit to the vet, an x-ray showed she is bloated. she has been put on 0.25ml of meloxidyl 2x a day and 0.16ml of metronidazole 2x a day. it’s been two days since she’s been on the meds and i haven’t seen an improvement. she is still hunched over most of the time, is lethargic, eats hay and drinks water a littleee more now but not nearly as much as she used to. i stopped giving her veggies for the time being. i am also giving her critical care a few times throughout the day. after some research, today i started giving her belly rubs but she hates it and i can only do it for 2 minutes at a time. earlier today i put her on a heating pad (not directly on it though) and got a vibrating app on my phone and put that under her. am i doing everything correctly? should i be doing something differently?

how long does it usually take to start seeing some improvements?


Please step in with rund the clock feeding and watering support asap. Your home support care is as important as medication.
Gut meds in guinea pigs are very limited and not the most effective. It depends on whether you are dealing with primary bloat (i.e. dysbiosis - the gut microbiome going wrong) or with secondary bloating (i.e. the gassing is caused by something pressing on the gut or pain is radiating into. The build up of fluid in the body cavity around the gut can also cause symptoms similar to bloating but is generally caused by heart failure or something pressing on the heart or gut.

If you are dealing with severe primary bloat, then it can be sadly fatal if you are unable to shift it. In the second case, unless the cause of the pressure/pain issue outside the gut can be dealt with, gut meds won't cure the problem. :(

Please take the time to carefully read these very practical links here, which talk you through the whole stuff step-by-step with all the how-to tips we cannot type out in full in every post:
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures (including how to improvise in an emergency)


Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment (including a chapter on how to spot when your piggy is dying)

Fingers firmly crossed for your poorly girl.
Hi there it's nearly midnight in the UK,so you might not get one of the health & illness experts tonight, but is it gas bloat (opposed to liquid bloat as the treatment would be different)?
Has the vet thought about Emeraid/ emiprid? They're both common gut stimulants in the UK.
Could the vet see a blockage of any description?

The meloxidyl should help with the pain & inflammation , does the vet think it's a bacterial cause behind it as the me metronidazole is for bacterial issues normally?

Can you get babies 'gripe water' in the US? Ask your vet if you could try her on that as it breaks down the gas bubbles in the gut into smaller ,more easily dispersed ones.

Gently massaging her tummy should improve it,but if she's not improved within a few hours I would seek advice/ take her back to the vet, as bloat can quickly escalate.

You're doing the right thing taking her off of veg for a few days until her stomach settles, 👍🏻

Good luck with your little girl 🐹,fingers and paws all crossed for a speedy recovery xx

I see wiebke posted whilst I was still writing xx
thank you both for responding so quickly!

i have been syringe feeding her water and critical care throughout the last few days. i am going to do so throughout the middle of the night a few times as well.

i know she has gas bloating but i don’t know if it is primary or secondary bloat, the vet didn’t say. does this picture of her x-ray help at all?

i will read through all of these links, thank you so much for sending them.
the vet didn’t say she saw a blockage of any kind. kiwi is still eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom (even if it isn’t as much as usual).

i will call my vet tomorrow and ask about Emeraid/ emiprid. i read in a few other posts that gripe water is not good. but others say it’s great so i dont know what to believe. i will ask my vet and see what she thinks.

i also noticed today her nipples are crusty. after researching, it seems like she could have ovarian cysts but wouldn’t that have shown on the x-ray? the vet said she saw gas/bloating not a cyst.
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I'm not an expert, but if she's taking recovery food & water they're both good signs :wub:
If she's going to the bathroom too that is also a very good sign, it takes roughly 24hrs for the food to go through their digestive system, maybe a bit longer if the bloat is slowing it down. Her poops might be a bit mis-shapen whilst she's recovering too.

Gripe water seems to be preferable to say 'infacol' type treatments, as the gas build up is broken down & released in small bubbles gradually. With infacol it collects all the gas in one place, causing trapped wind type pain & needs a big burp to release the pressure , which isn't easy for guineas.
Could you ask the vet to double check the x-ray for signs of a cyst, when you ask about the gripe water if you're concerned?

Healing vibes being sent your way.little one xx

Ps it might be worth just editing the image to blott out your name/details/vets just to give you more privacy online x
i had no idea it took 24 hours for food to go through their digestive system, that is so helpful to know. i’ve been worried her poops haven’t changed at all even though i think she’s eating a bit more than yesterday but that makes complete sense now.

yes i am going to call the vet first thing tomorrow morning and ask about gripe water and to recheck the x-ray. there was so much going on in the x-ray with the gas that maybe something was missed.

oh gosh i didn’t even realize. i don’t know how to edit the picture unfortunately
No worries, If you report your own post, just ask if one of the staff members can cover over your personal details for you as the reason. There's a time limit for editing our own posts. It looks like most of the staff are offline at the moment.
Actually I'll report for you to make life easier for you,you've got enough going on xx

Good luck with the vets in the morning xx ❤️
i had no idea it took 24 hours for food to go through their digestive system, that is so helpful to know. i’ve been worried her poops haven’t changed at all even though i think she’s eating a bit more than yesterday but that makes complete sense now.

yes i am going to call the vet first thing tomorrow morning and ask about gripe water and to recheck the x-ray. there was so much going on in the x-ray with the gas that maybe something was missed.

oh gosh i didn’t even realize. i don’t know how to edit the picture unfortunately

Gripe water is a herbal baby colic concoction in the UK; it is not a medication. Please note that it won't work with more severe dysbiosis bloat, as stated in the bloat guide link in my last post. It can help with dispersing the gas a little with milder cases, like age or illness related issues or bring a little more ease with secondary bloat cases.

Please take the time to read those links in my first post.

You also need to get ideally 60 ml of feed (plus off water additionally but never force it into her mouth( into her over the course of 24 hours; the closer you come to 40 ml as the minimum for a really struggling piggy, the better because that is about the minimum survival bottom line.
If she is still taking on food, then that is encouraging. If she struggles to swallow or if she refuses to take any feed well in excess to her weakness, then that is a sign that her body is closing down.

Have you got anything you can vibrate her on to help shift the gas?
yes i did read that about gripe water! the vet said her bloating is not severe yet so perhaps she would be fine with it. i am hoping i get to speak with the vet soon.

what do you mean by “feed?” i have been giving her some critical care, is that the same thing? sorry i’m from the USA so we might call it something different.

it is only 6am here, but last night she started to eat a bit more hay and in the middle of the night i checked on her a few times and heard her eating! she has also been drinking a lot of water from a syringe (willingly, i never force this). she is definitely still not back to normal by any means but it seems like an improvement. she has no issues swallowing which is good.

the only thing i am using to vibrate her is an app on my phone. it isn’t really that powerful but i don’t have a massager or anything else. i have only done it twice for about a half hour at a time but plan on using it more tomorrow.
yes i did read that about gripe water! the vet said her bloating is not severe yet so perhaps she would be fine with it. i am hoping i get to speak with the vet soon.

what do you mean by “feed?” i have been giving her some critical care, is that the same thing? sorry i’m from the USA so we might call it something different.

it is only 6am here, but last night she started to eat a bit more hay and in the middle of the night i checked on her a few times and heard her eating! she has also been drinking a lot of water from a syringe (willingly, i never force this). she is definitely still not back to normal by any means but it seems like an improvement. she has no issues swallowing which is good.

the only thing i am using to vibrate her is an app on my phone. it isn’t really that powerful but i don’t have a massager or anything else. i have only done it twice for about a half hour at a time but plan on using it more tomorrow.

Feed is critical care when you have it or mushed up pellets (or whatever) in a pinch. It is what replaces all the crucial hay/grass fibre that makes over three quarters of the daily food intake and for which the whole digestive system is laid for.

If the milder bloat is ongoing, then there is a possibility that there could be an outside cause for it and that you may not be dealing with an overgrowth of the wrong kind of bacteria in the gut (dysbiosis). Just try to get as much solids (critical care) into her as you can.
How often you have to feed depends on how much you can get into her with every session. 10-15 ml is very good - that is mild bloating; 5-10 ml in one session means that your piggy is really not feeling well, and struggling to get even 5 ml in means that you are in a battle for life or death.

You will have to look for similar herbal tonics in the USA; you won't find gripe water ('gripe' is an old word for a baby colic). It is not classed as a medication so your vet won't have any.

Is the meloxidyl (metacam) 0.5 mg (cat) or 1.5 mg (dog) concentration. If it is the lower concentration, then the dosage is very low and you may want to discuss with your vet to up it considerably in order to help with the discomfort/loss of appetite.

The bloating seems to be unusually forward in the body and very intense but it doesn't seem to affect the usual part of the lower gut where the main fermentation happens (the caecum), which is the most common place for dysbiosis/classic bloating. This would let me rather suspect that you may be dealing with a secondary bloat rather than a primary one. What is causing it, it unfortunately hidden in the gassing. :(
I must however add that none of us is a vet or has the medical training to properly interpret x-rays.
her weight for the most part is staying the same. as i give critical care she is maintaining a weight. it is lower than her usual but with her eating more hay, i hope we are headed in the right direction.

i think i did find gripe water at a few of our stores. this one is organic and used for babies. the ingredients are:
  • Water, Organic Agave Syrup, Organic Lemon Juice (Fruit) Concentrate (For Flavor), Organic Glycerin, Organic Lemon Juice (Fruit) Powder (For Flavor), Sodium Bicarbonate, Organic Chamomile Flower Extract

the metacam is the 1.5mg/ml suspension so i think we are good there. unless you think i should ask the vet if i can increase her dosage.

so i forgot they actually took a second x-ray and they used a spoon to push her belly, causing the gas to move. i think this gives it a better picture of if there is anything going on behind the gas. the vet said she didn’t see anything but i don’t know what i’m supposed to be looking for.


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oh gosh. if that’s the case, here is another kind with different ingredients:

Purified Water, Organic Agave, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Ginger Flavor, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, Xanthan Gum
I think that's ok. I am not one of the experts but I am aware that there are brands in the UK that need to be avoided due to the sodium bicarbonate. Please double check before taking my advice. I hope she gets better soon ❤️
thank you all!

on monday, my vet is going to recheck the x-rays they already took to see if she can spot a cyst anywhere. kiwi is definitely eating and drinking more than she was which is so great! her weight is only down 40g total from her actual weight so we are maintaining this for now. overnight she dips down but throughout the day she gets her weight back up. while she is still bloated, i give her belly massages and after a few minutes she stops making stressed noises. i can feel her extended belly though. but i think we’re making some progress!

my vet was against a lot of stuff i researched. she said emerid is like critical care sort of so no need to give her that. cisapride might help but they don’t prescribe it a lot. metoclopramide can cause GI cramping and can hurt but it could help a little. she said i can try it but i’m not sure i want to. she’s already in pain i don’t want to add it it.

she has never heard of gripe water so she advised against it. pedialyte is high in sugar so she doesn’t recommend it. and a probiotic she doesn’t think is necessary because no probiotic is specifically meant for guinea pigs so it would just be another medicine we are giving her for almost no reason.

I know kiwi seems like she’s improving because she is eating and drinking more, but her bloat is still there. my vet basically said no to every medicine/probiotic/remedy I research yesterday which makes me conflicted, because so many on this forum believe in those things. I just don’t know what to do.
hi all, i wanted to provide an update and ask for your advice.

so I think Kiwi is no longer bloated although she’s still acting a bit strange. The vet prescribed metoclopramide - a pro kinetic/mobility medicine to keep her gut moving - which she was on for a week and I just ended the medicine three days ago. Her poops (since she has been on the medicine up until now) are the opposite of what they used to be. While she was bloated, they were light in color and small, and now they are darker than they used to be (before she was bloated) and perhaps slightly larger. I think they are also a bit squishy because when she poops in a pile, I think she sits on them, and they mush together into a big ball. it’s happened about 5 times over the last few days.

she hasn’t had veggies for about 2 weeks as we dealt with the bloating, but on monday and tuesday of this week i gave her cilantro and didn’t see any issues. then i gave her a yellow bell pepper yesterday, but this morning as i noticed her weight dropped even more i switched and gave her lettuce today. maybe her weight is decreasing because she is done all her meds but isn’t back to a normal diet of veggies?

ao as i mentioned, Kiwi finished the medicine 3 days ago. all throughout giving her the metoclopramide her weight has remained at about 760g each morning. She has been getting close to 800g right before bed and then the next morning she goes down about 40g. I know that’s normal, but last night when I weighed her she was only 770g so I gave her a critical care and weighed her again and she was 790g. this morning she dropped to 735g. for reference, her her normal weight before the bloating was around 840g (sometimes a bit higher and sometimes around 825g). so since she has been bloated, she has dropped about 100g.

she’s 4.5 years old and i know it’s harder for them to gain weight as they get older, and she is still recovering from being bloated, but should i be concerned? or is this just her recovering from being bloated? i know weight fluctuates but dropping that much overnight concerned me. she’s eating hay, pellets, critical care, and drinking water so i just don’t know if i should be concerned.
It sounds like you may be weighing her twice a day? Can you confirm?

If you are weighing twice a day, then that is not advised. Weighing twice a day means you pick up a lot of fluctuation which then skews the checks and makes it inaccurate.

The fact she weighed 770 and then you gave her critical care and she went up to 790 is to be expected - you are simply weighing her full stomach so it isn’t accurate.

Just weigh her once a day - first thing in the morning - and compare that to the day before. As long as it is within and up to a 50g difference then it’s fine. Anything more than 50g and you need to step in with increased amounts of critical care.

Her not being on a normal diet of veggies is not entirely relevant. If a piggy is losing weight then it’s because of a reduction in hay intake.

However, you say she is around 760 each morning. This morning she was 735 which is a 25g drop. That is not of concern as a one off weight event. It’s normal fluctuation.

She needs to be completely over the bloat and eating hay properly before she will even start to regain lost weight. You are looking at several weeks post recovery before her weight is likely to start going back to where she used to be. For now, you are looking that she doesn’t lose more than 50g a day.
Yes i has been weighing her in the morning and night. If we are just looking at morning weight this is it over the last few days. I forgot to write down yesterdays weight but I think it was around 760g.

1/26 morning 786g
1/27 morning 802g
1/28 morning 783g
1/29 morning 764g
1/30 morning 761g
1/31 morning 760g?
2/1 morning 735g

So from a week ago she has lost 50g, is that concerning or is it just if she loses that much weight overnight?
Sorry i sent that too quickly. But I can’t tell if it’s as much hay as she used to eat. That’s why I’m also a little concerned because if it is the same amount, she used to eat then it’s concerning that she still dropping weight but you’re probably right that she’s not over the bloat and it will just take a while.

have i introduced veggies too quickly? she didn’t have any for probably 2 weeks and she doesn’t look or feel bloated anymore so i slowly introduced them back in. today when i gave her escarole lettuce it was maybe the size of my palm.

i got an appt to see a vet tomorrow morning I'm just concerned that she will go downhill overnight. they can’t speak to us so it’s all up to me to decide how serious the issue is and i just don’t know. i tried so hard to get an appt today but i don’t have anyone to drive me. but i’m going first thing tomorrow to get bloodwork done
Yes i has been weighing her in the morning and night. If we are just looking at morning weight this is it over the last few days. I forgot to write down yesterdays weight but I think it was around 760g.

1/26 morning 786g
1/27 morning 802g
1/28 morning 783g
1/29 morning 764g
1/30 morning 761g
1/31 morning 760g?
2/1 morning 735g

So from a week ago she has lost 50g, is that concerning or is it just if she loses that much weight overnight?

I would continue to check her weight again tomorrow morning and see what it says. 50g is the point at which you’d go on alert so at this point today, no I’d not be concerned. If she loses more tomorrow and the next day, then up the amount of syringe feed she is getting.
Hi, i have an update from my vet appt on thursday. The vet felt Kiwi’s belly and she thinks she is still bloated. We also did a blood test and they found:
  • elevated kidney value (probably from dehydration)
  • decreased white blood (probably because of stress)
  • low electrolytes (lost through gi tract)
  • kidney and liver are fine
Her mouth smells rancid (like things are sitting in her gut). She is pooping though. I think her poops are getting smaller and less wet/mushy so that’s a good sign. they still aren’t quite normal yet though (some pointy, some double poops).

We did a stool test and found clostridium and camplobactyr so the vet restarted her on metoclopramide and we just started baytril. the two days after starting these it seemed like she was doing so much better. she had more energy and her weight increased slightly. Now we are on day 3 of those meds and she’s losing weight (down 25g from yesterday morning to this morning) and she seems to be squinting her eyes a bit even when eating. a few days ago, she was squinting her eyes when napping/just sitting there and now it is more often.

Also, when Kiwi wheeks it sounds like she cannot fully make the sound; almost like it is a bit raspy. The vet did say there is food at the back of her mouth so maybe that’s it?

Since Kiwi became bloated about 3 weeks ago, i haven’t given her veggies. After the first round of bloating i did introduce cilantro for 2 days, then a yellow bell pepper, then a small bit is escarole and then when she started to lose weight and become bloated again, i stopped them. so she hasn’t gotten veggies or vitamin c in about 3 weeks. should i start giving her veggies? i’m getting worried she is missing out on nutrients she needs.

i do have an ultrasound scheduled for tuesday (the earliest i could get it) but i’m afraid she’s just going to keep losing weight. she is eating hay almost the entire day and i am giving her critical care but it doesn’t seem to be helping. i have also been waking up in the middle of the night for the past 3 nights to feed her critical care and make sure she’s eating some hay. it seems to be helping a bit but i’m exhausted and don’t know what else to do.
as an update, I took her to the vet on February 1 and she felt Kiwi’s belly, and she is still bloated. We also did a blood test and they found:

• Elevated kidney value (probably from dehydration)
• Decreased white blood (probably because of stress)
• Low electrolytes (lost through GI tract)
• Kidney and liver are fine

We did a stool test and found clostridium and campylobacter, so the vet restarted her on metoclopramide and we started baytril. The following 2 days, it seemed like she was doing so much better – she had more energy and her weight increased slightly. on day 4 of those meds, she was losing weight (down 25g from oje morning to the next) and squinting her eyes a bit even when eating. A few days ago, she was squinting her eyes just when napping/sitting; now it is more often. She does not look to be in pain when she is going to the bathroom.

The vet also said her mouth smells rancid (like things are sitting in her gut). Also, when Kiwi wheeks it sounds like she cannot fully make the sound; almost like it is a bit raspy. The vet said there is food at the back of her mouth so maybe that’s it?

She is pooping – some are big and soft, some hard and normal size, some connecting, and she had 1 single stool that was diarrhea one night. She is eating a lot of hay, and I am feeding about 5 syringes of critical care a day (50g once mixed with water). I have been giving her belly massages and then she poops quite a bit afterwards. I have been putting her on top of the dryer to shake the gas up even more.
She hasn’t gotten veggies or vitamin C in about 3 weeks. Should I start giving her some? I’m getting worried she is missing out on nutrients she needs.

then, i received bad news today :(

i got her an ultrasound, and the vet found that Kiwi’s kidneys aren’t doing well. she isn’t yet sure if it is renal failure or there is an infection but it seems to be the former. we are starting her on daily fluid treatments to see if that does anything. she will continue to be on metoclopramide and baytril because that’s supposed to help? i’m not sure how when she was on those meds for bloating. another med we are going to introduce is metronidazole.

do those meds sound correct? is there anything else i can do? i have been feeding critical care every 2ish hours for the past 24 hours and her weight is still slowly declining. she is eating hay non stop and is drinking some water. she is less bloated we found out from the ultrasound which i suspected since her stool is looking a bit more normal finally.

the vet assures me it cannot be anything else but the kidneys but i just wanted to check to see if that’s what you all thought based on the tests we ran previously.

my poor baby is so happy eating hay all day and wheeking when i come into the room i can’t wrap my head around the fact that she seems so happy yet is declining in weight and organ function :(
kiwi finally didn’t drop weight! it’s only been one day but i’m happy about that. we went for fluids again today and we will tomorrow. then we will see how she is and probably keep going once or twice a week, depending on what the vet says when i speak with her later today.

she eats most of the day but yesterday i noticed she completely shut her eyes and sat there and she swayed back and forth slightly (she has been swaying occasionally since she became bloated). she also for about 2 seconds shakes/shivers like she is cold. is she actually cold or does it have something to do with the kidneys? Kiwi also occasionally jolts a little (think of the movement when you hiccup); what could that mean? also, she still sounds raspy when wheeking and sounds wheezy i guess i would say? she’s not sneezing but just makes a sound sometimes.
i read that renal failure can cause bloating. maybe that’s why she was bloated before? if that’s the case (which obviously we don’t really know) can i begin to give her veggies even though she still has gas in her? the vet said it has decreased but is still there.
kiwi finally didn’t drop weight! it’s only been one day but i’m happy about that. we went for fluids again today and we will tomorrow. then we will see how she is and probably keep going once or twice a week, depending on what the vet says when i speak with her later today.

she eats most of the day but yesterday i noticed she completely shut her eyes and sat there and she swayed back and forth slightly (she has been swaying occasionally since she became bloated). she also for about 2 seconds shakes/shivers like she is cold. is she actually cold or does it have something to do with the kidneys? Kiwi also occasionally jolts a little (think of the movement when you hiccup); what could that mean? also, she still sounds raspy when wheeking and sounds wheezy i guess i would say? she’s not sneezing but just makes a sound sometimes.
i read that renal failure can cause bloating. maybe that’s why she was bloated before? if that’s the case (which obviously we don’t really know) can i begin to give her veggies even though she still has gas in her? the vet said it has decreased but is still there.
Hi, I’m so sorry to hear about your piggy. I’m kinda late to this thread. How is your piggy doing now? Is she any better?

I am dealing with my piggy that has some similar symptoms as yours. Randomly just got bloated and is in quite a bit of pain so of course I’m googling a lot and found your thread. I hope your girl is much better now.
she passed away a week ago :( i am so heartbroken but she had a few hard months so i hope she is at peace now 😭

the vet thinks kiwi was bloated as a result of her kidneys failing. that’s not always the case though. have you introduced any new veggies or grass?

when i thought she was bloated because of giving too many veggies (because i was slowly increasing the amount to up her wet food) i was giving her belly massages a few times a day. if you have a massager to put your piggy on that will also help move around the gas. but moving around will help the most so if you can get your piggy to run (treat chase, obstacle course) that will hopefully help. i was putting kiwi on the dryer in a cage to also shake up the gas.

i would just try figuring out with your vet the reason as to why your pig is bloated. there is always a reason whether it is too many veggies, introducing a new veg or grass, kidney failure, ovarian cyst, something pushing on the stomach/bladder, etc.

i hope your piggy gets better! make sure they are put on a pain med as bloating is very painful.

oh and also, kiwi had a bladder stone months ago and the symptoms were so similar so definitely make sure it’s not that.