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Bloated guinea pigs


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 8, 2024
Reaction score
I have 4 guinea pigs and today I found that each of them are slightly bloated. They all are staying active, eating their hay and pellets, & drinking water. They do not act as if they are in pain at all and are still acting fully normal, I wouldn’t even know they were bloated unless I felt their bellies.

I am not sure what is causing this sudden bloat at all, nothing in their diet has changed recently. I changed them to a higher quality pellets but I did that months ago, they are still on the same hay and vegetable brands without any changes at all. The only thing I can think of is that usually their timothy hay comes in dry and hard, however this time it came in green and softer. They have been eating this hay for a little over a week now. Could this softer hay be causing it?

Also, I have massaged each one of the piggies stomachs which I think helped them a lot and I have given them time to run around out of their cage. I am going to the store now to pick up a dryer hay.
I have 4 guinea pigs and today I found that each of them are slightly bloated. They all are staying active, eating their hay and pellets, & drinking water. They do not act as if they are in pain at all and are still acting fully normal, I wouldn’t even know they were bloated unless I felt their bellies.

I am not sure what is causing this sudden bloat at all, nothing in their diet has changed recently. I changed them to a higher quality pellets but I did that months ago, they are still on the same hay and vegetable brands without any changes at all. The only thing I can think of is that usually their timothy hay comes in dry and hard, however this time it came in green and softer. They have been eating this hay for a little over a week now. Could this softer hay be causing it?

Also, I have massaged each one of the piggies stomachs which I think helped them a lot and I have given them time to run around out of their cage. I am going to the store now to pick up a dryer hay.

Hi and welcom

Since hay makes over three quarters of the daily food intake, a marked change in quality can cause a tummy upset for a few days until the highly specialised gut microbiome has had time to react and scale up a new batch of digestive bacteria to deal with the new quality hay.

As long as the hay in itself if OK and the bloating the is only minor, it should settle down again within a few days.

Hi and welcom

Since hay makes over three quarters of the daily food intake, a marked change in quality can cause a tummy upset for a few days until the highly specialised gut microbiome has had time to react and scale up a new batch of digestive bacteria to deal with the new quality hay.

As long as the hay in itself if OK and the bloating the is only minor, it should settle down again within a few days.

Thank you! They are on the new hay now and are eating it, one wasn’t eating as much so I fed her critical care and today she is pooping again they are just smaller.

Do you recommend gripe water for them? I’ve seen people say that but I’m nervous to try.
Thank you! They are on the new hay now and are eating it, one wasn’t eating as much so I fed her critical care and today she is pooping again they are just smaller.

Do you recommend gripe water for them? I’ve seen people say that but I’m nervous to try.


Please be aware that the poo output is running about a day behind the intake, so what you see reflects what your piggies have eaten yesterday.

I do not recommend using gripe water on spec and unless there is some real reason where it could make a real difference after other things have not worked out.

This is a minor and temporary issue you are dealing with and decidedly doesn't call for any further tampering with, which could easily make it worse than better. It should right it itself on its own in its own time. Just be patient a little longer. :)

Please be aware that the poo output is running about a day behind the intake, so what you see reflects what your piggies have eaten yesterday.

I do not recommend using gripe water on spec and unless there is some real reason where it could make a real difference after other things have not worked out.

This is a minor and temporary issue you are dealing with and decidedly doesn't call for any further tampering with, which could easily make it worse than better. It should right it itself on its own in its own time. Just be patient a little longer. :)
Hi again!

So they are all back on a dryer hay again and are all eating, drinking, pooping, & acting perfectly fine at all however in 3 of my piggies I haven’t noticed the bloat going down too much. They’ve been massaged daily and even whenever they don’t feel bloated at all and their stomachs feel back to normal when I pat them it still makes that hollow sound that bloated bellies do. Is there anything else I can do besides taking them off their veggies and doing massages?

Also another question is it okay to use simethicone for them? I’ve seen a lot of people say they use it but I’m not sure. Thank you!

Please be aware that the poo output is running about a day behind the intake, so what you see reflects what your piggies have eaten yesterday.

I do not recommend using gripe water on spec and unless there is some real reason where it could make a real difference after other things have not worked out.

This is a minor and temporary issue you are dealing with and decidedly doesn't call for any further tampering with, which could easily make it worse than better. It should right it itself on its own in its own time. Just be patient a little longer. :)
This is what one of them looks like now. Shes back to normal and her body looks fine but she still sounds bloated when I tap her sides.


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This is what one of them looks like now. Shes back to normal and her body looks fine but she still sounds bloated when I tap her sides.

Just give it more time. Bloat comes up quickly but tends to subside much more slowly. It looks still only on the mild side.