I am at a loss. My remaining piggie, Cinnamon, has had an issue with bloat basically for about a year that I can remember. I don’t give her any form of lettuce at all, she gets the mini sweet peppers, pretty much daily, an occasional carrot, the other day I tried a fresh green bean with her, and of course tons of hay and some pellets that she never eats all of. She seems to be bloated again. Was it the green bean? One of the 2 carrots she got this week? Are the mini peppers not the same as the large ones and are those causing bloating? She took a few nibbles of a pepper this morning and wouldn’t touch the rest when normally she would eat most, maybe, I’m not sure that she likes the yellow ones. She did try to eat most of a carrot until I took it away because I am taking her off veggies until this is under control. Her poops are dry and seed/tear shaped. Last week, earlier this week, they were fine it seemed and she was eating hay and drinking her water and now she just wants to lay in her hidey or in the corner if I take it out of her cage. I have given her gripe water, Metacam and rubbed her belly which I don’t think she loved. I can’t get her into the vet until Jan 15. I also will give her some critical care in a bit as she only ate a little bit of hay this morning. Would these foods alone be enough to cause bloat? Anyone else have a bloat prone pig like this? I just put my other one to sleep barely a month ago, I cannot deal with more health issues yall.