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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 27, 2019
Reaction score
Carshalton, Surrey
Hi there, I haven't posted on here in a while. Just looking for some support, having had a good day with the pigs including getting some great videos in the garden, I found woody in the middle of the cage clearly in a lot of pain not wanting to walk. I rushed him to the emergency vet and it looks like bloat. He's been fine all day, I literally can't believe how a couple of hours later I find him like this. He's stayed in overnight, I had to rush him in at 10pm, I just called for an update and he won't eat on his own but he's quite happy with the syringe feeds. He's been eating all day normally. They've given him injections (I was in a bit of a state so didn't really hear what she was saying). I've got to leave my phone on all night and hopefully I can pick him up at 7.30am. Thank you for reading ❤️
Sorry your piggy is poorly! Bloat is nasty. Hopefully you noticed in good time and he'll be better in the morning.
Had your grass been mowed very recently? Just wondering if he might have eaten some clippings, they start to ferment quickly and cause bloat if eaten.
Healing vibes for Woody!
He's doing better, the vet said he's weeing, pooing, running around and screaming at them. He's got to get picked up and taken to our normal day vet now. Does clippings mean mowed grass? The grass was mowed Monday but there's no clippings on the grass. He's never having grass again! Can this come back? I'm going to be a nervous wreck when he comes home. Thank you for replying x
Oh bless you. I haven't dealt with bloat before but know it can come on very suddenly and very acutely so please do worry about not spotting anything, it really can be that quick. The poops are a fantastic sign and shows the guts are working which is one hurdle, you won't be out the woods yet but it's not so dire if he is eating, drinking and pooping. Good luck at your usual vet today and I'm sure some more experienced members will be along with more advice. Please keep us up to date
Bless you! Glad your piggy is recovering nicely. If you don’t feel comfortable putting Woody on the grass right now, you could pick some fresh grass to feed in the cage, check with your vet first. I hope you get Woody home soon 😊
Hi there, I haven't posted on here in a while. Just looking for some support, having had a good day with the pigs including getting some great videos in the garden, I found woody in the middle of the cage clearly in a lot of pain not wanting to walk. I rushed him to the emergency vet and it looks like bloat. He's been fine all day, I literally can't believe how a couple of hours later I find him like this. He's stayed in overnight, I had to rush him in at 10pm, I just called for an update and he won't eat on his own but he's quite happy with the syringe feeds. He's been eating all day normally. They've given him injections (I was in a bit of a state so didn't really hear what she was saying). I've got to leave my phone on all night and hopefully I can pick him up at 7.30am. Thank you for reading ❤
Here’s hoping Woody is recovering well !🥰
Well I've just picked him up and taken him to our usual vet and he does not look AT ALL good to me. Hes spiked a fever this morning which they still claim is normal with bloat. The vet said the painkiller will make him sleepy. He's not eating by himself but he's taking the critical care. He's got soft poops but not diarrhoea. Buzz has gone to the vet with him for company x
Come on Woody.. we love you... Winny, Daisy & Frownie x
So the reason he looks bad is because he's had a big dose of morphine before I picked him up. Apparently they're quite happy with his progress. Phoning up at 2. £280 down so far 🙈
I am so sorry you are going through this.
Bloat is awful - our Lucy suffered with it, and I was always shocked at how fast it could come on.
How old is Woody?
Lucy never had a problem until she turned 4, and our vet said it could be becasue as she got older her digestive system was gradually slowing down?
Don't know if this is true, but nothing else had changed including her diet.
What worked for Lucy was cutting basically everything apart from hay and a small amount of grain free pellets out of her diet for at least a month after the incident. This gave her stomach time to settle down and return to normal.
I hope Woody is ok and good idea to send Buzz along to hold his paw.
He was a rescue but they told me he was 10 months old which would make him 2 years 4 months. I think I spotted it quickly as I only watched an hour long programme, went out there and he was like it. I wrapped him in a wet towel in case it was heat but I knew really it wasn't, called the vet and we rushed him in. The day vet this morning says his tummy is quite soft, the poor pig is now just blinded with painkillers. How will I know if my pellets are grain free? He goes to companion care so I can get some grain free ones in pets at home later on because either way I have to pick him up whether that be he comes home or back to the night vet. What about vitamin c with no veg? And should buzz get separated to still get veg? He's always had a bubbly sounding tummy but never ever had a problem before including all day yesterday. X
He was a rescue but they told me he was 10 months old which would make him 2 years 4 months. I think I spotted it quickly as I only watched an hour long programme, went out there and he was like it. I wrapped him in a wet towel in case it was heat but I knew really it wasn't, called the vet and we rushed him in. The day vet this morning says his tummy is quite soft, the poor pig is now just blinded with painkillers. How will I know if my pellets are grain free? He goes to companion care so I can get some grain free ones in pets at home later on because either way I have to pick him up whether that be he comes home or back to the night vet. What about vitamin c with no veg? And should buzz get separated to still get veg? He's always had a bubbly sounding tummy but never ever had a problem before including all day yesterday. X

The packet of pellets will say. Science selective make two versions of pellets - one which is a dark purple pack which is the normal pellets containing grain and a lighter purple pack which say grain free - those are the ones you want (are the only grain free pellet I can think of at present). Most other brands of pellets do contain grains though (the ingredients will say the grains they have - wheat etc).

Hearing a bubbly tummy (gut sounds) is a good thing and is what you want to be able to hear. A silent gut is a problem
He was a rescue but they told me he was 10 months old which would make him 2 years 4 months. I think I spotted it quickly as I only watched an hour long programme, went out there and he was like it. I wrapped him in a wet towel in case it was heat but I knew really it wasn't, called the vet and we rushed him in. The day vet this morning says his tummy is quite soft, the poor pig is now just blinded with painkillers. How will I know if my pellets are grain free? He goes to companion care so I can get some grain free ones in pets at home later on because either way I have to pick him up whether that be he comes home or back to the night vet. What about vitamin c with no veg? And should buzz get separated to still get veg? He's always had a bubbly sounding tummy but never ever had a problem before including all day yesterday. X
Hoping all goes well for and 1593088572251.webp

Hope this helps
It's not good news guys. He didn't pick up and the vet called to say she can't see a positive outcome. We decided to put him to sleep. I literallt cannot believe it. 24 hours ago he was fine. I weighed him weekly... Even yesterday good weight. His tummy had gone down so they just don't know what was causing it. Buzz has come home, he's very scared. We are having cuddles in the Garden. Thank you for all your kind words. RIP Woody, my fave pig 💔
I did my best, he went from fine to sick in an hour, and he was at the emergency vet in half an hour from that. They cared for him all night and all day today. £332 later, it wasn't to be x
I am so so sorry for your loss.
Sadly even with the very best care, bloat is an awful thing to have to deal with. You did absolutely everything you could possibly have done.
Sending hugs
Thank you. They weren't sure in the end if it was bloat. She said she felt maybe a blockage but equally couldn't feel one x
Oh I’m so sorry you have lost Woody - you did everything you could and and you rescued him and gave him a great home - you will have lots of lovely memories and think about those.
sending you a Big hug.
I am so sorry that you have lost Woody!

Sadly severe bloat or blockage is very often a deadly problem even with the best of care and prompt intervention. I have lost several piggies to either if that is any comfort for you as you grapple with the usual feelings of guilt or failure that are characteristic for the onset of the grieving process. There is nothing you have done wrong or could have changed. :(

Human Bereavement: Grieving, Coping and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children
I just can't believe how quickly it happened. I've got some great videos of him yesterday evening. Then 10pm... Bang. I couldn't have done more. I'm gutted, he was my absolute fave x
I'm so sorry, acute bloat can turn fatal so fast, we almost lost a piggy to acute bloat and it was horrible, she was fine then half an hour later she was screaming in pain so much the vet nurses rushed out to give her a buprenorphine injection in the waiting room... sometimes they pull through but sometimes they don't, you and the vet did everything you could but its an awful thing that nobody quite understands, there can be dietary triggers but often the symptoms of acute bloat are out of all proportion to what they ate, sending hugs x
Thank you so much. I spent all day with him. Cleaned him out, sat next to the run in the garden, had cuddles. Nothing I can possibly think of. Vet went through everything. X