New Born Pup
Hi everyone,
I’ve been a lurker on the forum for a few years and I’d like to have some people’s opinions and experiences on dealing with bloat.
Last week, our single boar Lammy was PTS, he lived in the same room as my current boar duo - Little J and Sparrow. They often spoke to each other and were friendly through the bars, and on the day he passed we noticed LJ was quieter than usual but put it down to grieving.
Fast forward a few days and he was hiding away, not eating very much and hunched up so we took him to the vets.
He had an xray which revealed that he had bloat , as well as a small kidney stone. Our vets contacted John Chitty on our behalf to ask for advice and ask if the stone could’ve caused the bloat. He said the two were unrelated and suggested IV fluids and pain meds.
Since Tuesday, LJ has been at the vets 9-6 receiving fluids and pain medication every day. We are also giving him cisapride in the evenings and critical care. We’ve been massaging his belly, getting him to move about and he seems so much brighter in himself.
He hasn’t lost any weight, he is now laying comfortably, is more alert, chirping again. But he is still hiding away and shows interest in food, takes a small bite, and then drops it again.
However, he willingly takes the critical care and actually puts the syringe in his mouth himself, and was begging for food last evening.
We thought it could perhaps be his teeth, but his x-rays did not show any deeper issues with the teeth, and he had a full dental examination which showed one slightly overgrown molar but not enough to have any sort of significant impact.
Has anyone had a similar issue with their guineas? Our vet is going to contact John Chitty again for his advice, because LJ seems well otherwise but he just can’t/won’t eat food on his own.
I’ve been a lurker on the forum for a few years and I’d like to have some people’s opinions and experiences on dealing with bloat.
Last week, our single boar Lammy was PTS, he lived in the same room as my current boar duo - Little J and Sparrow. They often spoke to each other and were friendly through the bars, and on the day he passed we noticed LJ was quieter than usual but put it down to grieving.
Fast forward a few days and he was hiding away, not eating very much and hunched up so we took him to the vets.
He had an xray which revealed that he had bloat , as well as a small kidney stone. Our vets contacted John Chitty on our behalf to ask for advice and ask if the stone could’ve caused the bloat. He said the two were unrelated and suggested IV fluids and pain meds.
Since Tuesday, LJ has been at the vets 9-6 receiving fluids and pain medication every day. We are also giving him cisapride in the evenings and critical care. We’ve been massaging his belly, getting him to move about and he seems so much brighter in himself.
He hasn’t lost any weight, he is now laying comfortably, is more alert, chirping again. But he is still hiding away and shows interest in food, takes a small bite, and then drops it again.
However, he willingly takes the critical care and actually puts the syringe in his mouth himself, and was begging for food last evening.
We thought it could perhaps be his teeth, but his x-rays did not show any deeper issues with the teeth, and he had a full dental examination which showed one slightly overgrown molar but not enough to have any sort of significant impact.
Has anyone had a similar issue with their guineas? Our vet is going to contact John Chitty again for his advice, because LJ seems well otherwise but he just can’t/won’t eat food on his own.