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Bloat, out of my depth!

Cavy Kung-Fu

Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Brighton, UK
Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been around much these days I hope everyone’s keeping well!

So I’m really worried about my Bella, she’s 6 and a half and out of the blue has decided to get bloat. No idea why. The vets near me aren’t particularly experienced and I know how dangerous bloat is so I’m real scared. I’m going to call Cat & Rabbit again in the morning as they didn’t have any phone appointments this evening. They said it might be a problem as they’ve not seen this particular pig before but I really hope not!

We’re currently treating with metoclopramide, injected not oral which isn’t ideal. Buscopan 10ml tablets recommended by the vet but I’ve read through the newer bloat guide on here which says it’s not recommended and I wasn’t sure why? She’s also having 0.3mls of gripe water every 3-4 hours and being syringe fed, plus pro c and/or poop soup which I’m going to make more of tonight. She’s having 0.3mls of dog metacam twice a day as well. I read about the cisapride on there so I’m going to try and see if I can get that.

It’s been a few days and it’s been a bit up and down. I’ve sacrificed my toothbrush for her tummy and I’m not even sure if I’m doing that right. I’m so out of my depth with this and I know it can turn real fast.

Can anyone give me any suggestions, personal experiences or advice on the best meds? With Bella’s age I worry that she won’t get through it as quick as I’d like, she’s not really moving around much and I’m not sure how to get her moving. Her poos are pretty small and soft as well.

Thanks guys sorry for the long rant I’m just feeling a bit scared and tearful, I lost my Tonks about 6 months ago and I’m still not really over that.

Here’s a picture of her in her grubby, recovery food covered bed.


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I have no experience of bloat so am no help but wanted to send you my support. It's lovely to see you here again but I am so sorry it's under these circumstances.

I am very sorry. Severe Bloat always happens out of the blue and is always very upsetting. Nothing you have done wrong.

Please take the time to read our very practical advice in this link here: Digestive Disorders: Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement) And Not Eating

Fingers crossed!
Hi Wiekbe, thank you that’s reassuring! I’ve had another read through the very helpful guide, my vet put me onto buscopan and it says on the guide not to use it. Should I stop?

She’s been a little perkier in little bursts, then sleepy moments. She just produced a clutch of small poops and suddenly a normal sized one after a toothbrush session. Have you got any recommendations to try and get her moving? Thanks :)
I have no experience of bloat so am no help but wanted to send you my support. It's lovely to see you here again but I am so sorry it's under these circumstances.
Thanks that’s so kind, it’s sometimes easy to feel a bit on your own when it comes to piggies. I’d only read about bloat until now it’s scary! Hope you’re keeping well :)
Hi Wiekbe, thank you that’s reassuring! I’ve had another read through the very helpful guide, my vet put me onto buscopan and it says on the guide not to use it. Should I stop?

She’s been a little perkier in little bursts, then sleepy moments. She just produced a clutch of small poops and suddenly a normal sized one after a toothbrush session. Have you got any recommendations to try and get her moving? Thanks :)

Please use it if you haven't been given other anti-bloating meds.

Try to see whether she will just trot around a little but as she is very uncomfortable, a piggy is not quite as willing as normal to be active and usually not as keen to come to you wherever you are for little treats like an extra pellet etc. That is normally the best way to get a piggy around without scaring them.

Hang on in there. Please be aware that severe bloat is like tsunami - it comes in waves.
Please use it if you haven't been given other anti-bloating meds.

Try to see whether she will just trot around a little but as she is very uncomfortable, a piggy is not quite as willing as normal to be active and usually not as keen to come to you wherever you are for little treats like an extra pellet etc. That is normally the best way to get a piggy around without scaring them.

Hang on in there. Please be aware that severe bloat is like tsunami - it comes in waves.
Okay that’s brilliant, thank you! Yes you can see she’s uncomfortable and just wants to have a little nap. I’m going to set up her run in a bit and see if she will move around if I’m with her. Thanks so much, it’s definitely coming in waves which is scary but I’m hoping we can get on top of it!
Sending lots of healing vibes to Bella I hope she gets well very soon. It's always such a worry when they are ill.
I am keeping well thank you.
Thanks so much guys, god I hope it passes soon! I’m sleep deprived and worried. Just about to give her another toothbrush session and pray for more poops. I just read that out loud and realised how insane that sounds haha
Just thought I’d drop a little update if anyones interested! Bella is doing a bit better now, still not eating that much on her own so we’re still supplementing but she’s had a full MOT at the vets and they’re happy with her progress.

Thanks for all your help and support, I really appreciate it through a scary minute there! :)
Glad things are better for Bella.
How are you now, after that worry?
Thanks! Me too, she scared the life out of me! I’m a bit better thanks, I do worry a lot more as the pigs get older so any little thing feels bigger than it ever did when they were younger, especially after losing Cissy and then Tonks last year. Bella’s 6 now, Drom is 6 in August and Iggy’s 5. Little Fleur isn’t a year yet and she’s a picture of health! It’s a breath of fresh air as my newest pig before that was Iggy who doesn’t know what health is bless him! I love them all to bits but every time they are ill it takes years off my life! :))