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Bloat - anymore we can do?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 1, 2020
Reaction score
West Midlands

Our piggie is currently on antibiotics however today he’s started bloating up like crazy. He’s had a full dose of emperid plus metcam already.

We took him to the vets at half 5pm and she listened and confirm his guts were still moving, albeit bit slower than a healthy pig. She said there wasn’t much else to give him except opiod pain relief but he isn’t really in pain. He just seems to be inflating with infrequent dry poops.

He’s eating syringe food and small bits of treats, we’ve given fibreplex.. probiotics, poo soup…

Is there anything else we can do? Would gripe water help in this situation?
A vibrating pillow or an electric toothbrush on his sides?
Thank you for the link. Any idea when he will start to deflate? Still pooping and reluctantly taking food and water, but very ballooned!
Thank you for the link. Any idea when he will start to deflate? Still pooping and reluctantly taking food and water, but very ballooned!


Sadly no answer to that. The bloating will stop when it stops; all you can do is give him his meds (there are sadly no really efficient ones for guinea pigs that are safe to give), support feed and top up with probiotics and poo soup and hope for the best. :(

Sadly no answer to that. The bloating will stop when it stops; all you can do is give him his meds (there are sadly no really efficient ones for guinea pigs that are safe to give), support feed and top up with probiotics and poo soup and hope for the best. :(
He’s pooping but just so bloated, it must be so uncomfortable. I don’t know how much longer to wait until we have to make the call. Like a few days or hours? He was finally getting over the abscess and now this 😢
His tum is round and hollow, been like it for almost a whole day without improvement despite everything. Sorry to keep posting, just I’m not sure if this is normal or not.

I had a bloated pig with once before I knew any better, he had no treatment and died in a day. He hadn’t eaten or pooped though.

Oscar is reluctantly taking syringe food and he is pooping fairly regularly, they are massive poops though!

Don’t want to prolong his suffering if there’s no coming back, I’ll hold on for however long it takes just the not knowing if it’s improving is so hard.


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His tum is round and hollow, been like it for almost a whole day without improvement despite everything. Sorry to keep posting, just I’m not sure if this is normal or not.

I had a bloated pig with once before I knew any better, he had no treatment and died in a day. He hadn’t eaten or pooped though.

Oscar is reluctantly taking syringe food and he is pooping fairly regularly, they are massive poops though!

Don’t want to prolong his suffering if there’s no coming back, I’ll hold on for however long it takes just the not knowing if it’s improving is so hard.

Please contact a vet promptly if an ongoing problem persists or if there is any deterioration (lethargy, loss of appetite, drum tight belly etc.)
