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Blistered Feet...

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A man dropped a boar and a sow off with us this morning (after calling and saying, 'can we get rid of them now a couple of hours prior)'....I checked them out and they have blisters all over their feet(the female more so) and the female some up her legs...the female had some dried blood on her poor feet...and they both clearly have mites. I asked the guy what kind of living conditions they had, he shrugged and said 'they were my sisters' which is a lot of help! but he did manage to say that they had been living together and are about 6 months old ::) so potentially pregnant female and they both have mites...its not that thats getting me, i can treat that myself, its these feet...

the girl cant even walk and she is pretty fat so I'm guessing definatly pregnant, the boy seems to be moving normally but the feet are very red and blistered. Obviously ive put them both in their own cages and put some fleece down on the floor for bedding as i cant think of anything better to put down for their feet. I am going to the vets first thing in the morning about the poor feet, but i dont know what to do in the meantime?!

The females are all over her feet and halfway up her legs and they had obviously been bleeding...

Andy said he thinks they have been kept on woodchip (the stuff used on rockerys) as there were a few random pieces in the box the guy threw as us...although i cant see how the hell that is possible... :'( :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

It looks like a variation of when you get a pet shop piggy with poor red feet from the sawdust thats been used only 100 times worse...they both still really smell of urine and smoke?!? i am at a loss with this one! I just need to keep them as comfy as possible until tomorrow morning... :(
Some people make my blood boil so much. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: It is quite possible they were kept on this, the worrying thing is reptiles are kept on this (if it is the bedding I am thinking of), they could have also just been kept on wet bedding. I think they may of had a lucky escape, I don't think you can do much more then make them as comfortable as possible, clean them up as much as you can (using a solution of salt and water on the legs), feed and water them. I would also give them some probiotics with added vitamin C in their water. I will let you know if I think of anything else that might help. Thank god they are in your care now, how people can do this is beyond me. :tickedoff: Let us know what happens down the vets. :)
OMG thats really annoyed me

ugh Id love to go after people like that with a baseball bat upside the head >:( >:(
Awwwh them poor piggies! It's good they're in your care, I think we should go after them people with a baseball bat! They bl**dy deserve it!
>:( They certainly need a slapping!

Poor, poor piggies. In the right hands now though!

What are you keeping her on right now?
Ive got some soothe cream from GG,that worked on Harleys sore feet
Ive done the salt water clean up...and about the reptiles...thats exactly what I was thinking, i know andy had to leave the room when the guy got here as he was getting increasingly frustrated with the guy...i just cant believe how bad the feet look...Why would their be bits and pieces of woodchip in the box unless it was somthing i dont even want to think about.
Just weighed them, they are a okay weight and seem like they have been fed at leat but the sow is in a right state. Even asking questions about what they had been fed seemed far beyond him....its worrying, but the best thing to do is just to try and treat the piggies i guess...will post some pics when they are looking better...

Ive put the vit c drop in tha water and given them some parsley as they dont seem to have gone to the toilet very much and I'm hoping that this will help.. :-\.i will have to see when they are more settled....they are both just stitting in the corners of the cage, the girl i dont think CAN move, and the little guy doesnt seem to want to :-\ :'(

I dont think they know how to drink from a bottle... :(
There are no words to describe how awful, cruel and heartless this is. It sounds as if you have everything under control. Good luck with the vets tomorrow. :'( :'( :'( They should pick up how to drink out the bottle fairly quickly.
Put some pictures on here of the feet I can give my friend a call who is a vet. She will tell me the best thing to do for you need a picture though so I can discribe it better :)
:tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: bloody mongrels how awful.

I'm so glad you have them now :smitten: awww poor litle munchkins, what a horrible way to start your life off :'(
I'm sure you'll get them healthy and fatten them up, i hope they're not preggers...
Can you syringe some water into them, i have to with Duke, it may just encourage them to understand what to do :)
Good luck, please keep us posted, sending healing wheeks and kisses to them :smitten: :smitten:
Hey if you want me to come over ever give me a call - you're only about 25 mins away. I have some gorgeous guineas creams & lotions. Sounds like she could do with a bit of barrier cream on her feet. Are there any obvious splinters in her feet?
I also have a couple of spare sachets of Probiotics if you're desperate - or just ask your vet for some. Its really cheap.
Have you seen them walk at all?
poor little souls how people can live with themselves is beyong me I got upset reading daily paper today when a road crash included a family dog that died in it :'(
I would try Bepathan cream on the feet its a babys nappy cream it worked really well on dobbys bumble foot and was recomended by Vedra fingers crossed its not bumble foot becasue although dobbys foot healed up nicely he had spread it to his mouth and died, apparently its more likely if they live on crap bedding which obviously applys to these poor pair,( no idea why dobby got it as his bedding was perfect) but might be an idea to find a pic of bumble foot and compare them to these two, good luck hope they are ok, and the ex owners are NOT :tickedoff:
Aloe Vera gel is a nice natural remedy to use too, especially if the sow is pregnant.

How are they today?
I'm absolutely disgsuted and appalled at this. Words fail me really.
Just cleaning out my piggies so time for quick reply until later.

Last night about 3am andrew woke me up as he had gone to the loo and checked on the pigs. the boar (Louis) had died :'( :'( :'(...andrew said his breathing got really strained and heavy and then he just stopped breathing and 'went' :'( :'(...andrew stayed with him just wondering what to do (and fuming at the people that llet him get so ill) and then finally decided to wake me up :'( :'( :'( We stayed up pretty much the rest of the night with the sow (gracey) pretty much preying and she didnt seem to get any worse. Andy took the morning off to come to the vets with me and grace which was a really nce gesture...

She has a respitory infection, bumblefoot and it shouldnt be *too* hard to treat(apparently), he also said just to bathe her in a saline solution...she has some infected cuts from the bedding she was kept on (the nurse said there was bits of what looked like ground brick in some of the cuts)?!?! the reminants of pretty bad mites and pretty sure is pregnant....ive been at a bit of a loss today, its our first 'rescue that hasnt made it' and i just feel so bad...the man contacted me on thursday, i could have got them both then and if i had I'm sure he wouldnt have died.... :'( :'( Just concentrating on getting gracey better....i am preying and hoping she'll be okay...
Oh I have just read this thread and am disgusted. Poor Louis :'( I really hope Gracey makes it. People like him should be given the same sort of treatment he gave those poor piggies. I will never ever understand why people have pets and are then cruel to them. Words fail me :'( :'(
Rip Louis and get well soon Gracey.
Oh smiler I am so sorry to hear about Louis and how bad condition Gracey is in. Don't get to upset over Louis passing away he has gone to a better place and is no longer suffering, at least he had a couple of happy days with you. Concentrate on Gracey she sounds in quite a bad way, I would have liked to see pictures but after hearing what condition she is in I don't think I want to. Words have failed me, I am so angered by what these people have done, so upset that Louis didn't have the life he deserved and so distressed over Gracey condition. Fingers crossed for the little girl. Keep us informed. :'( :'( :'( :'( :-*
my gut feeling was that the blisters was bumble foot please treat it with Bepanthen baby bum cream Vedra recomends it and it did def cure Dobbys feet despite him getting the infection into his mouth poor little Gracey preganant as well as coping with this ,l try to keep her on towels rather then any other bedding as it helps the feet recover, my beloved dobby had this bad yet his bedding was perfect so have no idea how he got it, in fact if anything dobby was spoilt rotten, his pic is my avator pic, but bumble foot is quite rare and can be hard to cure I was told but the cream worked wonderfully, Iw as laso told to wash his feet with antibacterial hand wash but have got a feeling this may have aggravated his mouth infection when he cleaned himself so clena with either warm salty water or better hibiscrub ( from Boots) and use the cream.
the people who had these poor animals should now be prosecuted by the new law , thats whats it there for after all to stop inhuman peopel like them, :tickedoff: God bless Louis be happy over the bridge hopfully one of two of your babies will look like you , :'(
Rest in peace little Louis bud. You are an angel now free from pain and suffering 0:)
Things like this put scratches on my heart.

Get well soon Gracey! You are going to be a mummy so you have to be strong and get better.

I'm so sorry for your loss but with your help Gracey will pull through. God only knows what she has been through so far.
I'm going to squeeze my own rescue piggy extra tightly tonight and tell him I love him
Oh sh1t. I'm really sorry about this Smiler. Its so frustrating when someone else has obviously created a problem but its you who has to 'fix' it & go through the grief etc etc

I would have a good think about calling the RSPCA re this one. I mean Brick rubble in the cuts - I'm sorry that sounds like abuse to me. They were obviously kept in an unsafe environment with out proper care & nursing.

My heart goes out to the one who has passed away & even more to the one still struggling.

Andy called the rspca yesterday after coming back from the vets and gave them the address the gave us when we were going to get the piggies originally, the guy called us on a withheald number so dont know what that is. :tickedoff: Andrew was going to drive down there himself, he was reaally really mad, but i didnt think he should get himself in trouble...hopefully the rspca will go there and have a look....i dont want to hope there are animals in teh same state as thats just nasty, but just reminants of where louis and gracey were kept at least..just something that will mean they are punished in some wau...is there any way i could find out if they find anything?

andy cut up one of his beloved ping jumpers (golf jumper thing) as its super soft and absorbent and she seems to be comfy on that....i have one of those microwave heat lavander pads ive put under it to keep her cosy...to be honest dont think she has the strength to chew on it if she could...it doesnt really look better of worse but shes drinking from a bottle already, which I'm really happy about and had a nibble on some kale..still not moving too much...I'm a bit concerned about one of her eyes as it seems to be really weeping so think I'm going to have to go back to the vets today....

whats the most comfortable way for a guinea pig to travel? I really dont want to stress her out, I'm just trying to do the best thing for her...? And is there something i can give her to eat for a kind of 'boost' maybe to perk her up a bit?

I really hope she makes it, i just cant believe this has happened, my first proper taste of how f*cking evil people can be...


It has made me really appreciate all my piggies....and i have to say it has really shown me how lovely andy can be, I'm lucky to have an understanding guy, i know a lot that would think I'm a total idiot for being so upset...
Was the vet 100% she's preggers?

Depends on how far the vet is re travelling comfortably. In this weather the worst thing will be the heat. Being hot & a guinea is bad enough but bing preggers too is terrible!
My carrier is well ventilated around the edge - i did buy one of those pod carriers but I think they get too hot in there. Do you have an ice pack you could put under a towel at one end of the carrier? you'll be fine if you have air con in the car though!
I think a procuct called 'abidec' could be good for her but I've never used it (other than a dose I was given) & Metatone to give her a boose. Although please check if it can be used on preggers pigs. I'm sure someone will be along soon with the answers.
Someone else suggested abidec but said the same as you about the preggers thing.

The vet said she thinks she definatly is pregnant, but i dont know what to think anymore! She seems to have so many different things wrong its a bit of a head spin. I havent felt or seen any movement so I'm hoping shes got some time before that and will be in a much better condition by the time she has to give birth....i dont hold any hope for healthy babies to be honest, i just want her to make it through the birth okay :(
My guinea was given Maxolon to encourage him to eat, it worked really well but once again am not sure if it is O.K. on pregnant guineas. I don't think there is much more you can do for her. Fingers are crossed. :( :)
Go back to the vets and buy probotics for her water and get some critcal care for her too. Alfalfa hay is excellent for pregnant piggies and will help her put weight on.
To be honest sending Rspca round would not help he has your address and he sounded horriable. I would leave it.
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