blind piggy?

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Sep 20, 2007
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Vale of Glamorgan
I haven't been able to get on here this week, but two nights ago we picked up two piggies through ad trader, weren't in good state at all, but I wanted to ask, how would you know if a piggy is blind?
blind piggy

i would put it on its own and try to pick it up and see reactions. put in cage and see if it bumps into things, or flash a light into tis eyes and see if you get any reaction. but i would suggest taking to vet both of them and having them checked out. good luck and keep us posted!
I suspected a piggy i had was blind, the best way i found to find out was to put the piggy down facing away from you, they usually spin around to look at you if they dont, it could be that they arent aware their not facing you in the first place. Just a suggestion though.
I took them to the vets the other day, cose this white one is underweight and was not looked after properly - she checked him over, but didn't say anything about his eyes - it was only last night we were thinking about this - i'll try a few things tonight and see what happens.

i've attached some pictures of them - Samson is the black one and Dylan is the white one
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Hi wales1000
I also have a little blind sow .... I have put the link below for you.

Having a blind piggy does have it problems. You will find you will have to be very careful when having the hutch door open. Princess lunges forward when she hears me open the hutch. She also lays out in the sun rather than goes into the little shelter house when out in the run.

But I love her to bits.
Any news on your little piggy?
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