Blind Piggie?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 28, 2014
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I have a piggie coming to me on Thursday. The person he's coming from is leaving the country and was going to leave him in the house!

He's been used for breeding, 8 years old, and completely blind.

Old man Dave is blind in one eye but has never had an issue. I've never cared for a fully blind piggie. What can I do to make him comfortable?

He's basically coming to me to retire and enjoy any time he has left.
Oh my gosh - what a nasty person he has come from.I know a few others on here have some blind piggies - they will be able to help you.
Good on you for taking him -he is a very lucky little pig.
We had a blind special needs Piggy 'Megan' She coped absolutely fine, Make sure the cage is always arranged the same way so he gets used to the layout in his head. The food bowl and houses in same position etc....
How awful they were just going to abandon him! It is lovely you will be caring for him.
That poor piggie! How someone could think of leaving a guinea pig, let alone a blind guinea pig in a house when they left is horrifying.

My Matthew is blind, what I tend to do is when the veg is in the bowl, I gently stroke him to get his attention and then with the smell on my fingers of veggies he follows my finger to the bowl the food is in or otherwise he doesn't realise its there until Romano has eaten half of it.
So glad he is going to live out his retirement in a loving home :)

I have a rabbit that has been blind from birth. Nothing stops him!
Sadly this 'person' isn't getting back to me with her address so I can go and get him. I've been waiting around in town for ages...

Ironic because the advert says "no time wasters"
Hi, I hope you have been able to pick up this piggy so that he can have a fab safe and loving retirement. Why do people treat animals like this.... so he's made this person money over the years, so now they have classed him as useless and just tossed him aside :( heartbreaking that poor piggy.
Oh @PiggieWigs12 I've just seen your online did you get him
Kell x
I've just got him. I wouldn't normally go and pick them up but this time I made an exception. Cost me a bomb in the taxi but Nevermind.

He's badly underweight and in not convinced he is 8 but that doesn't matter. He's an absolute sweetheart! I love him already! Trying to health check him but he keeps liking my hands and face.

He's in the carry case for now with a big juicy tomatoe and some grapes which he's inhaling! <3
I've just got him. I wouldn't normally go and pick them up but this time I made an exception. Cost me a bomb in the taxi but Nevermind.

He's badly underweight and in not convinced he is 8 but that doesn't matter. He's an absolute sweetheart! I love him already! Trying to health check him but he keeps liking my hands and face.

He's in the carry case for now with a big juicy tomatoe and some grapes which he's inhaling! <3
It's so upsetting how beautiful and friendly piggies that show so much love get put through that trauma.
No need for it is there?! I've always found the abused piggies to be sweethearts when looked after properly, like my beloved bilbo. They seem to appreciate the effort more.

I've got loads of critical care in my piggie first aid closet and my big food/hay/readigrass order is coming on wednesday. He'll be a porker in no time.

I think he still has some vision in one eye, he's looking at me on a slant but it's definatly not a head tilt. Old man dave looks at me on a slant to.

Roger can hear him weeking and it shouting to the next room teehee. It's unusual for him he usually just chatters.
So glad he is safe now. Is wonderful that he is wheeking too.
Oh how wonderful. I have a half blind girl who may well end up blind but does not stop her. How amazing you are to take him in, he sounds utterly adorable. Hugs to you all.

He is a very fortunate boy but sounds like he deserves some full on tlc x
Been to the vets with little piggie, now called Norman :). Just wanted to be sure there was no ear infection going on. The vets agreed he has limited vision in his right eye and is tilting his head to make use of it. She thinks he may have some brain damage going on from a previous infection perhaps. He's such a sweetheart all the nurses were clucking over him, little tart!

I'm reporting the girl to the RSPCA because she said "I've lost count of how many I've got" implying she has more pigs and I saw a dog and she mentioned a cat. Mmmm. Not banking on them doing anything though.
Those poor animals. Thank goodness Norman is with you now and is healthy. Good luck reporting her.
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