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Bladder stones: surgery vs euthanasia advice


New Born Pup
Jun 30, 2023
Reaction score
Hi there,
Sorry for the long post, but we’d really appreciate any advice, stories, anyone can give.

Our boy is about 4-5 years old (he was a rescue so unsure exactly), and about 3 weeks ago developed signs of bladder stones. He’s seen the vet twice, been given pain relief, anti inflammatories, gut motility and antibiotics. Originally the vet didn’t see a point in x-raying, as it was obviously bladder stones and it was paying a lot of money just to confirm what was already known; so we have been continuing with the meds and monitoring him, changed his diet to low calcium etc. He has started losing a bit of weight despite not being off his food, but seems relatively happy other than being in pain when urinating/pooing.
We took him to have a check up today, and saw a different vet (who had seen him previously), who decided to X-ray to understand if it was just cystitis or a stone at this point.
The X-rays showed one large stone, and 3 smaller pieces/stones in his bladder - her recommendation was euthanasia. We are aware of the risks of surgery with guinea pigs (having lost one prior following surgery), and the vet explained the low success rates and likelihood of recurrence of stones, but euthanising him there and then so quickly just wasn’t what we wanted. So we’ve brought him home, with an appointment on Monday to make the decision.
However, we’d love to know people’s experiences of having the surgery done; whether it was successful, if stones recurred, the cost, or even if euthanasia was the best option in their situation. We’ve seen quite a few stories online saying that they have had success, and after hearing the unsuccesful stories from the vet, are thinking maybe we should be seeing some better for this.
We don’t want to lose our boy, as he’s only been with us just over a year and deserves the best life having had a rough start and being mistreated.
Thank you for reading and any advice/comments x
Hi, it seems your post got missed so I am going to bump you up.
I do not have any advice but I will wish you and your boy the best x
I am very sorry 😞 I don’t have any experience of stones but there are plenty of members on here who have success stories of bladder stone surgery and the stones haven’t reoccurred. Sorry, I can’t think of them off the top of my head. Are the stones in the bladder, urethra (the tube running from the bladder to the penis) or the ureter (there’s two and they run from each kidney to the bladder) and having stones there I’m afraid isn’t good as surgery is a lot trickier

When choosing to euthanise, I think it all comes down to quality of life. You say your piggy is still happy and eating?

Whenever I’ve been faced with a decision of putting a guinea pig of mine through surgery, I always think to myself that having them die during surgery would be like euthanasia but at least I would have given them a chance so that’s what you must weigh up

But I’m afraid there really is no right or wrong answer and whatever decision you make, will be the right one for you and your boy. And remember, you are within your rights to seek a second opinion from another vet if you wish to do so x
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I am sorry you are having to face this with your boy. I've had 3 piggies with stones over the years.

Willow aged 10 months large inoperable stone jammed in kidney was PTS.

Bracken aged 2 years sludge and small stones in bladder, successfully operated on, sadly more stones formed 2 weeks later. We kept him going with pain meds for a few months while he was happy and doing lots of piggy things. Once the pain meds were no longer helping with the pain when toileting we had to let him go.

Rusty aged 2 years had a small stone in the bladder, successfully operated on. He had no further bladder problems and lived another 3 years until passing at home from a totally unrelated illness.

There is no right or wrong decision. Sending best wishes to you and your boy whatever you decide to do.
I am very sorry 😞 I don’t have any experience of stones but there are plenty of members on here who have success stories of bladder stone surgery and the stones haven’t reoccurred. Sorry, I can’t think of them off the top of my head. Are the stones in the bladder, urethra (the tube running from the bladder to the penis) or the ureter (there’s two and they run from each kidney to the bladder) and having stones there I’m afraid isn’t good as surgery is a lot trickier

When choosing to euthanise, I think it all comes down to quality of life. You say your piggy is still happy and eating?

Whenever I’ve been faced with a decision of putting a guinea pig of mine through surgery, I always think to myself that having them die during surgery would be like euthanasia but at least I would have given them a chance so that’s what you must weigh up

But I’m afraid there really is no right or wrong answer and whatever decision you make, will be the right one for you and your boy. And remember, you are within your rights to seek a second opinion from another vet if you wish to do so x
The stones are in the bladder, currently no evidence to suggest he’s got a blockage of tubes.
Yes he seems pretty happy and eating well - we only think he’s lost weight as we’ve changed to a low calcium diet so their favourite veggies have been cut out, which they are being fussy about! He only appears in pain when he urinates/poos.
I would agree with what you’ve said about trying the surgery and him passing, than just having him pts straight away - it felt like a very sudden, and (currently) unnecessary decision whilst it appears to be manageable. Which is why I think I’ve posted, looking for the hope to give the surgery a go!
Thank you so much, we are currently looking for another vet who is more experienced with the op and success rates, so fingers are crossed x
Good luck with whatever decision you make. There is no right or wrong answer.

Here is my Percy’s thread. He was only 2.5 and unfortunately didn’t recover from his surgery.

Percy’s turn 😢

You haven’t got to read it all but there’s lots of great advice on it from the forum.

Good luck