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Bladder stone worry

Jesse's pigs

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 31, 2016
Reaction score
Okay I’m sorry it’s me again with yet another worry. I assure u all as I type this Steve is looking for food, dragging his butt and running round the cage as if I’m making all this up.

many of you are aware and have followed me on my journey with Steve’s xrays and ultrasound. Back then he had only a sludge build up (not a massive one but definitely some sludge there) but no stones🥳🥳. He has meds and I do monitor him-he now has bottled water with the lowest calcium content I could find (suggested to me by a lady whom had a piggy with bladder issues herself), I’ve just had my new bag of grain free food arrive and I’m still giving veg that of course has calcium as I know he needs some but monitoring the intake he does have.

He still has days where he cries Where urinating which is to be expected of course.

Today is one of those days😢. However I have also noticed a bump just near his penis (sort of where u can feel the ridge to express the penis). It isn’t hard and to be honest I don’t even know if that is just how it is and becuase he’s crying a bit I’m freaking out😂 I’m a student vet nurse and I have felt and seen some piggies in practice who did have bladder stones and it doesn’t feel hard like that. He is still passing urine so I’m not concerned his blocked and I have sent a video highlighting the lump to a work colleague (head nurse) and she is also saying not to freak out as he is still passing urine and his ultrasound etc was clear. He is eating and everything as normal it is only the crying and this bump that I’ve noticed. Surely if he had a stone (albeit this might be a small one?) he would be a little puffed up or exhibit some sort of pain reaction. He doesn’t even seem to react that much when I palpitate the bump.

ive tried comparing it to Bellamy and the new addition but Bellamy had cauliflower Willy and he’s feels and looks completely different and the baby is tiny. 😂

Just looking to ease my worry to be honest.
I’ve just come to check on him now and he didn’t squeak this time while peeing did the usual hunched sorta squat he does which he always does when he wees and sorta jiggles and did not squeak until the very end when I think he pooped. Like surely of it was a stone at least one that was big and blocking anything he would be in pain? I’m monitoring him don’t worry and I have the vets number as I’m actually even the nurse on call today😂.
I’m hesitant at rushing him up every time I worry becuase I don’t want to stress him out. I always boast at how unbothered he is by everything but I still don’t like unnecessary trips especially with him being bonded recently to his new baby brother.