So my little Sweetie got a bladder stone removed yesterday, got her home last night. Everything seemed fine, she was eating a little (still very very drowsy)
This morning there were 0 poops in her pen, so I called the vet and explained they gave me an appointment at 3:30. I went in and the vet listened to her stomach and said he can't hear her guts moving. He gave her a injection to stimulate her guts in hopes to get them to move. We got sent away with critical care and told to come in tomorrow morning to see if there is any change.
She is still very bright in herself, just not wanting to eat veggies or anything. I will be up all night syringing when possible.
Has anyone been in a similar situation and had them recover?
You always see a gap in the poos after an operation because there is a passage of time when they do not eat from before the op until recovery, and then at first only little; that is reflected in the poo out a day or two afterwards. But as long as a piggy is will to eat, you can be assured that the internal food factory conveyor belt is still running.
In your case, with GI stasis, the conveyor belt has stopped completely. Your piggy doesn't want to take on any food because they cannot process it. You will have to continue with the gut stimulants until the gut is back to working normally. In most cases, the gut bounces back pretty quickly and a piggy is back to normal within a couple of days. Sometimes it can take longer. You just have to hang on in there. In your case, it is most likely caused by an adverse reaction to GA; it can sadly happen.
It is tough; I have had a rather memorable week of it with my Pili Pala to get her through her severe GI stasis. But it was worth it as she had another year of life and hung in there until coming up to her 6th birthday despite developing an increasing rat-tail of more unusual health issues. Considering her truly horrific background, that was a huge achievement.
I've got several other piggies through more minor GI stasis and total loss of appetite in the wake of operations or strong medication. It is always worth the struggle.
You can find a link to her gut stasis thread in our Digestive Problems guide, which also contains a chapter on caring for a guinea pig with GI stasis. The medication has been reviewed by a very experienced long term guinea pig keeping exotics nurse. I hope that the information and practical advice in it will help you!
Aim for at least 60 ml in 24 hours; every 2 hours in the day and then at least once or twice during the night, depending on how much you have got in. With a piggy not eating and not wanting to eat, it is a battle royale. Also offer as much water as she will take. You can find more tips in the guide.
Here is the link:
Digestive Disorders: Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement) And Not Eating
All the best for getting through this rougher than expected patch!