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Bladder sludge


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
Any recommendations for helping a piggie pass bladder sludge please? Had some squeaking in pain when weeing and a small amount of blood from Pumpkin. I know she has sludge due to an x-ray. It may have been caused by a mass in her uterus not letting her pass urine properly. The mass has now been removed. I will of course be asking my vet. But wondering what people have found to help to flush it out?

Currently she has mini cucumber, round lettuce, green pepper in the morning. Tea time romaine lettuce, red or yellow pepper and mini cucumber. And at supper corinador and cucumber. She doesn't eat much pellets. And she has orchard and timothy hay. They have a lot of cucumber because it seems to help her sisters bladder flushing through.
I’m sorry to hear this.
It depends how much sludge there is and how packed it is.
Minor amounts may be able to be moved with plenty of fluids - cucumber, additional water bottles/bowls.
More major cases require a vet to carry out a bladder flush

I hope she is ok
I’m sorry to hear this.
It depends how much sludge there is and how packed it is.
Minor amounts may be able to be moved with plenty of fluids - cucumber, additional water bottles/bowls.
More major cases require a vet to carry out a bladder flush

I hope she is ok
Thank you. She doesn't drink at all.
She's been very poorly. After the uterus mass was removed she got a hernia two days later, surgery again to put the intestines back in. Then despite antibiotics she got a wound infection that caused her wound to reopen, but internal stitches stayed in place thankfully but we've been wound flushing for a couple of weeks. I had no pain squeaking from weeing since her cancer was removed so it's disappointing.