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Bladder gate


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 1, 2021
Reaction score
I thought I’d give you all an update. Muffin had his second bladder stone surgery and is doing really well. He has put on weight and is eating well and is overall a little happy chappy. We took him to the vet today who pressed on his bladder to empty it and lots of teeny stones came out! His urine is clear and not at all cloudy. The vet said he is making them at an abnormal rate so we are upping his trial of Garcinia Cambogia and will go back in a week. Has anyone else experienced this? It seems crazy! X
I thought I’d give you all an update. Muffin had his second bladder stone surgery and is doing really well. He has put on weight and is eating well and is overall a little happy chappy. We took him to the vet today who pressed on his bladder to empty it and lots of teeny stones came out! His urine is clear and not at all cloudy. The vet said he is making them at an abnormal rate so we are upping his trial of Garcinia Cambogia and will go back in a week. Has anyone else experienced this? It seems crazy! X

Glad that the operation has gone well. I haven't heard of it and no experience with this one.
Has this been put down to anything?
I am a veterinary student and we have been recently doing urogential studies in humans and in large/small mammals. The guinea pig has two kidneys which work together to turn waste/toxins into urine. I wonder if he is struggling with some sort of renal (kidney) disease, such as kidney stones (renal uroliths).
Aside from that things like inflammation and BPH (Enlarged Prostate Gland) are also commonly known to cause bladder stones.

I am just wondering if you have looked into why his bladder is not emptying, or what you have done to look into this. This is obviously a very general statement, does not really help at all and it seems you have a great vet but I just thought I would share my two cents.
Damaged nerves for one reason or another also causes the bladder to be left not completely empty, as we need the stimuli to relax the bladder/pelvic muscles and empty the bladder.
Has this been put down to anything?
I am a veterinary student and we have been recently doing urogential studies in humans and in large/small mammals. The guinea pig has two kidneys which work together to turn waste/toxins into urine. I wonder if he is struggling with some sort of renal (kidney) disease, such as kidney stones (renal uroliths).
Aside from that things like inflammation and BPH (Enlarged Prostate Gland) are also commonly known to cause bladder stones.

I am just wondering if you have looked into why his bladder is not emptying, or what you have done to look into this. This is obviously a very general statement, does not really help at all and it seems you have a great vet but I just thought I would share my two cents.
Damaged nerves for one reason or another also causes the bladder to be left not completely empty, as we need the stimuli to relax the bladder/pelvic muscles and empty the bladder.
Thanks for your detailed reply. I agree that it could be that his body isn’t functioning in the way it should- that’s about as technical as I can manage! I will certainly pass on your suggestions to my vet. Good luck with your studies! X
Thanks for your detailed reply. I agree that it could be that his body isn’t functioning in the way it should- that’s about as technical as I can manage! I will certainly pass on your suggestions to my vet. Good luck with your studies! X
If I was in your position, as an owner, I would be starting to look into investigating why this is happening as obviously only so much can be done from a preventative/operation perspective.

Muffin is such a brave boy and I hope you can find out what is going on soon x