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Black Mold Exposure?


New Born Pup
Aug 29, 2023
Reaction score
Ohio, United States
I had made another thread asking for help about some of the strange behaviors and symptoms I was seeing in my 2 boars the past few weeks, which goes a lot more in depth on everything that’s been going on. Since that thread, my quarterly inspection at my apartment done by maintenance found what appeared to be a lot of black mold growing in both of my a/c window units. Mordecai is slowly losing weight, occasionally honking but a sneeze/cough seems to clear it and having abnormal looking poops. I thought he felt bloated as well. Rigby had watery eyes and was seeming to be more lethargic/laying around more than usual. Both of them have also been itchy itchy itchy even after 2 rounds of revolution and deep cage cleanings. When I took them to the vet, she said both seemed healthy upon physical exam. Unfortunately, an emergency situation early in August with my rainbow bridge baby Theo took up my vet savings (in total I spent about $1000 in vet bills and ended up having to to put him down anyway :( ) so I don’t have the money right now to afford the expensive diagnostics which I feel very guilty about. The mold was found after the appointment, but I have been running the units pretty much all summer because of how warm it has been here (the past few weeks have 80 or 90 degrees Fahrenheit). Maintenance replaced both units for me with brand new ones as soon as they found it and brought in an air purifier which I’ve been running regularly. I called the vet office to update them and they told me just to keep an eye on them. Of course, I’m extremely worried about them and the exposure. Not sure if anyone has experience with this or if it’s unlikely that this is causing the symptoms I’m seeing? Should I be expecting to see some improvement now that the source of mold has been removed? I also made an addition to their cage a few weeks ago which I am afraid is now adding more stress on their relationship during all of this mess. I have been an absolute wreck worrying about them and feeling helpless :(
I'm really sorry to hear you were put in this situation.

How are your boys doing today?
Hi! Thank you for checking in. They seem to be doing better! Much less itching, more energetic and just overall acting more like their usual selves. Mordecai's weight seems to have stabilized, although he is less than before. Still noticing some weird poops though so I am still going to keep an eye on everything but mostly back to their usual piggie shenanigans!:)