Black flaky patch? - Won't let me post this on the Health board, sorry!

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I've never seen anything like that before ,but hopefully someone will be able to advise you. Hope it's nothing serious. :)
It looks like normal skin pigmentation that you may be able to see it for the first time due to the hairloss - most likely from skin mites or skin fungal problem. If you have not treated for mites/lice recently I would strongly recommend that you do so. If you are not experienced enough to know the difference between fungal or mite problems (as they can present in a very similar way) I would pop your piggy to the vets as soon as you can for the correct diagnosis and treatment.


Suzy x
Our old pig Willow had a similar patch on his ear which was fungal but I would definitely agree with Suzy that you should get it checked out at the vet to be sure exactly what it is. It can spread pretty quickly if it is fungal & can also spread between pigs & to people so I would get it checked out sooner rather than later. Good thing is that it can aso get sorted out pretty quickly if it is fungal. Best wishes to Hazel for a speedy recovery :)
My Eliza has brown pigmentation patches like that that occasionally flake but you can't see them without pulling her fur back and she has always had flakey skin.

i would take Suzy's advise and see your vet to check for mites and fungal.
I washed her with Gorgeous Guineas lice and easy shampoo, as I tend to do after I had a mysterious outbreak of lice about 6 months ago. Then I applied some spot-on I had spare. Followed by a little sudocrem on the patch, so covering all bases! I guess if after all that there's no improvement, it could be more serious mites? A case that would require injections at the vets? She lives with another guinea but she has no signs of scabs etc.
What was the spot on product used? Did you complete the 3 treatments required to clear a mite infestation?

Non-ivermectin products and creams will do nothing to clear mites; Xeno 450 or Easimec are the only product I use for mites - I've tried more or less every type of product over the years and have found these to be the most effective.

Suzy x
I cannot stress the difference in using the correct spot on treatment for the prevention of mite infestation and full treatment of mites or lice.

I thought I was doing the right thing with my rex, the spot on was followed to the letter with follow up treatment but sporadic flare ups of hairloss and scabby skin with serious reactions post treatment to the spot on sadly was caused to her for months before I had thanks to suzy the correct spot on treatment and a vet trip has meant that for over a year we have not had a flare up since.

I do have a very sensitive skined pig, any stress will set off her mites again so I continue to precautionary treat any slight hairloss with the spot on. I use easimec now as the shop brought spot on was actually causing chemical burns on two of the guinea pigs, the rex was the worst of all, easimec I cannot recommend enough, the vets would have used xeno 450 if I was not already using easimec so both are the right spot on
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