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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 15, 2016
Reaction score
North Dakota
We just got our two sows. Oreo is amazing and the sweetest thing ever- Sunshine not so much. :no: She's ok when we pick her up and do lap time then all of a sudden she will do her little nips ( which I'm ok with) but then turns into a bite and it's a hard bite. Not sure what to do and will this behavior stop?
We just got our two sows. Oreo is amazing and the sweetest thing ever- Sunshine not so much. :no: She's ok when we pick her up and do lap time then all of a sudden she will do her little nips ( which I'm ok with) but then turns into a bite and it's a hard bite. Not sure what to do and will this behavior stop?
My pigs nip when they are ready to go back and be done with lap time. Maybe the same is with sunshine and then she is stressed and scared when she is not put back in her cage.
Thanks for the replies. I have some many questions as we are new to piggies. We love them though just not sure what to think about the biting. :soz: It's a behavior I know but just to know what all these things mean is a new things to us. My daughter really spoiled Oreo and takes her out so I feel bad for sunshine so I take her out but she seems to be biting me a lot so wanted to ask what it could mean or what I can do.
Thanks for the link @VickiA!
Thanks for the replies. I have some many questions as we are new to piggies. We love them though just not sure what to think about the biting. :soz: It's a behavior I know but just to know what all these things mean is a new things to us. My daughter really spoiled Oreo and takes her out so I feel bad for sunshine so I take her out but she seems to be biting me a lot so wanted to ask what it could mean or what I can do.
Thanks for the link @VickiA!
You also just got them, remember some pigs need a couple of days being left alone to adjust
This is true. We thought about that as well. Maybe we will just leave sunshine in there cage and let her be and just handle Oreo as she doesn't mind it at all.
The most important thing to remember is that like us hoomans all piggies are different. They each have their own individual personalities that make them unique and special. By biting she is telling you that she is not happy about something. So give her time and you will be able to understand what it is. You have only just got them so they need time to get to know you and trust you and perhaps she is the more cautious of the two. Just start by hand feeding her veggies and then when you think she is ready to come out perhaps sit with her on your lap and give her the veggies so that she associates lap time with good times. Slowly but surely will get you there. Good luck. xx
Those are all good tips. Thank you! Will start by trying to "pet" her in the cage-however that hasn't gone well either but we will try by giving her veggies on our hands and then progress from there. Sunshine seems more the scared one and Oreo doesn't make noises but she seems fine to be picked up and lap time. Oreo does relay well with my 7 year old as well and Oreo seems to be her fav. :)Thanks for all the tips/iseas. :)

Sunshine is doing much better with her biting. She lets us pet her in the cage and will take treats from our hands. YAAAH! However Oreo and Sunshine have switched. :( Oreo is not biting but is super skidish now. :( she won't let us pet her or will come out of her hidey at all- squeaks when we even try and pick her up- sounds like she's being hurt but it's a scared squeak. Not sure why now but will work with her and see if we can't get her to calm down.

Daughter has had friends over and they been handling them- wonder if that got Oreo unsure if things witch I don't blame her. Will work with her and see- she's super scared and runs all over and speaks like she's being hurt when we try and catch her for lap time. Will go slow and try and start over with her.
I've just seen your post in the behaviour and bonding thread.
Is there any possibility that she has been injured? Otherwise, she may just be spooked and you may need to go back to step one in re-building her confidence again (and I would keep the children away or very quiet around her for a while).
Thinking she got spooked. Am going to moniter my daughters friends being around the pippges more and have them not handle them till we can get her adjusted again.
They are easily spooked. You should have seen mine when I dropped my keys this morning - they vanished in a flash!
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