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Hayley Woodward

New Born Pup
Aug 20, 2015
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Hi I'm new to the group. I've had my guinea pigs about 2 months now (both boys) and one of them has always been a bit of a nipper but recently he's started biting more and really hard and drawing blood! I wash my hands b4 I hold him and I don't hold him during feeding times. I hold him properly so I'm not sure why he's doing it? Any suggestions please?
Hi and welcome!

Your problem is not uncommon. Tweaking hard is a way for a guinea pig to express displeasure, especially if it realises that it can get away with it. At your age, the boys will be hitting the teenage hormones and become more feisty anyway.

Try to assert your authority over him in guinea pig body language, make clear that you do not appreciate his behaviour, but not by shouting no or hitting him, more by using an expression of displeasure while lavishly praising any good behaviour. Once they realise that tweaking is not getting them anywhere, they usually stop.
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up Your Guinea Pig
Thank you! Should I stop picking him up and just stroke him in the cage? I was worried it may be because he's unhappy?
Hey Hayley. Glad you made it here.

Try not to panic, this is not uncommon

Some piggies while fine in the cage and interacting on their terms with you but when on laps feel a little vulnerable, the nibbles are his way of telling you he does not like it or feels threatened. I used to get actual snaps off Vimto and she would draw blood too :(
She was just a very scared piggie and felt vulnerable on laps, she didn't appear frightened (but obviously was) but she was confident enough with me not just to freeze and it was here way of saying 'please put me home i don't like this'. We worked at it and would take her out for 30 seconds then pop here home, we did this 3 times a week for around a month weeks, then slowly increased it up to 5 mins via 30 second increments . Each lap session she'd have a sprig of coriander. It took us 6-8 months but she doesn't bite now and will happily chill on laps for a while but not for too long :)) We would never let anyone else have Vimto on there lap in case she wanted to taste the forbidden flesh once more :))

But some piggies really hate lap time and we as owners have to respect that, we'd all but gave up with Vimto and used to interact at the bars with her in the cage until we gave the above method a try. Our eldest girl Cookie won't settle and will just walk off, we only really have one lap pig - Sarsaparilla.

Another thing is to have them in cosies on your lap, that may give them extra security.
What are your boys names?
Thank for the advice I'll try that. They're called Spike (the biter) and scruff. Scruff just freezers when we hold him!
My Spikes a biter to, we keep fingers below front legs when carrying him so he can't reach them, he nibbles his own left foot in frustration instead daft thing. He is settling down and getting better after being with us for 9 months but I wouldn't completely trust him, he nipped my belly through a T shirt the other evening while on my lap. Think he was trying to tell me I need to loose weight.
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