Biting when touching stomach

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Aug 30, 2008
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Cornwall, England
My female Maisy was pregnant when i got her. She had two babies and she now lives with her daughter.

Everytime i touch her stomach by accident or purposely she tries to bite me and squeals like mad. I've got someone to look underneath and can't see anything wrong. She hasn't lost weight and she is eating and drinking normally.

However i have noticed that she does squabble a bit with Suzy and i was wondering because she's still in with her daughter whether it's something to do with weaning. She wasn't like this when she was pregnant and after giving birth. Now i can't pick her up that well, i have to scoot her into a box and get her on my lap. And even then i have to be very careful not to put my hands anywhere near her stomach.

Has anyone else had anything similar happen?
oh dear she could have mastitis? or is sensitive because of mites? do you have a picture of her tum?
i'd deffo get her to the vets,as it could be lots of things xxxxx
I did think mastitis but i couldn't see any of the symptoms and i don't think it could be mites as she isn't itching or losing any hair or anything.

I just thought it could be something to do with weaning as it's only if i touch near her teats. She doesn't squeal in pain, it just sounds like she is saying i don't want to be touched there.

I think i will take her to the vets then. Just to be on the safe side. She just seems perfectly normal apart from not letting me touch her near there.
Could it be that she feels that if anyone goes near her tummy or nipples that they will want milk, which obviously she can't provide anymore? Hence, she is sensitive and moody about it? How old are her babies?

However, if you are in any doubt about her it is best to get her checked at the vets.

Let us know how things go.
Goldie i was thinking along those lines as she seems perfectly normal apart from this. She only started doing when i took the little boy out and she started weaning the girl. They were born at the end of August.

It almost seems like she is fed up of living with the little girl aswell. They don't fight or anything but they aren't that close. I was hoping to put the two of them in with my other two sows so she wouldn't always be looking after her but since having the babies they dont get on.
She sounds like she is very sensitive around her nipple area, I dont blame her if I am completely honest, piglets have teeth from day one, lol! It sounds to me as she is just over sensitive, which a lot of sows suffer from I have found this case a few years ago, if they havent been bred.

My advice if she doesnt like being touched their then dont do it.
Emma x
I did think mastitis but i couldn't see any of the symptoms and i don't think it could be mites as she isn't itching or losing any hair or anything.

Keep an eye on her. If there is any sign of swelling, lumps or discharge, pop her to the vets straightaway.

Hoping she is doing ok today.
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