Biting pig (territorial)


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2023
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Hi guys,

I’ve only ever posted once on here before about my single male pig Shaun. I don’t want to go into tons of detail about why he’s alone etc as I have explained it before but in case you guys need a refresh:
He is a rescue pig

I have tried multiple times (7 times) over the last year since I rescued him to bond him with other pigs, both females and fixed males but each time he has completely shut down and will not eat or drink and will only huddle in a corner.

He would not move from the corner of the bonding area, resulting in him not eating and drinking and as a result he become impacted and his health deteriorated so rapidly he had to to be rushed to the emergency vet.

When he wa removed from the situation and placed back into my bedroom with no sight or sound of other pigs, he quickly began to eat and drink again although he needed a lot of critical care for awhile after. This was a year ago and he’s fine now. Please don’t tell me “I have to bond him” because I will just not reply to you. Thanks!

Ok so onto the issue. 😂

Shaun will nip at me when I do certain things in his enclosure (He’s in a 2x4 C&C), like picking up his poops, and no it’s not a playful nip like when he’s nibbling my hands when he’s having petting time.

Tonight he lunged at my hand and bit me rather nasty on the hand when I was fluffing up his hay which I do multiple times a day and he’s never bitten me like that before when I’ve been fluffing his hay.. he actually broke skin.

Is this territorial behaviour? And if so, how do I curb this? If not territory related, does anyone have any idea what it could be?

Hi guys,

I’ve only ever posted once on here before about my single male pig Shaun. I don’t want to go into tons of detail about why he’s alone etc as I have explained it before but in case you guys need a refresh:
He is a rescue pig

I have tried multiple times (7 times) over the last year since I rescued him to bond him with other pigs, both females and fixed males but each time he has completely shut down and will not eat or drink and will only huddle in a corner.

He would not move from the corner of the bonding area, resulting in him not eating and drinking and as a result he become impacted and his health deteriorated so rapidly he had to to be rushed to the emergency vet.

When he wa removed from the situation and placed back into my bedroom with no sight or sound of other pigs, he quickly began to eat and drink again although he needed a lot of critical care for awhile after. This was a year ago and he’s fine now. Please don’t tell me “I have to bond him” because I will just not reply to you. Thanks!

Ok so onto the issue. 😂

Shaun will nip at me when I do certain things in his enclosure (He’s in a 2x4 C&C), like picking up his poops, and no it’s not a playful nip like when he’s nibbling my hands when he’s having petting time.

Tonight he lunged at my hand and bit me rather nasty on the hand when I was fluffing up his hay which I do multiple times a day and he’s never bitten me like that before when I’ve been fluffing his hay.. he actually broke skin.

Is this territorial behaviour? And if so, how do I curb this? If not territory related, does anyone have any idea what it could be?



It rather sounds like a defence bite from a piggy on edge to me; lunging is very much a defence behaviour. Something you did must have triggered him; whether it is a bad memory or you woke him up. I am very sorry for the poor boy; he sounds deeply traumatised.

More information and practical advice about biting, how prey animal instincts work and techniques to help you work around them and not look like a predator to him. Shaun may never fully come out, but hopefully you can slowly bring him out a little more.

I would start with inviting him to be a welcome part of your group with a bit of piggy whispering. That gives him an group identity and removes you out of the predator category. Repeat this as long as needed.
Also avoid any predatory behaviours. Keep up a steady stream of gentle chatter as soon as you come into the room and don't sneak around him. Have different melodies in your voice for each regular task so he can learn to anticipate instead of seeing everything as potential random violence. Especially avoid any sudden movements near him, like you made when shaking up his hay - guinea pigs are wired to sudden pouncing from predators and will react instinctively, bypassing the brain.

" Biting" And What You Can Do (Biting, Tweaking, Nibbling and Nipping)
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?

I hope that this will help you. It is going to be an uphill battle but every step gained is a major win.
The thing is I do this task multiple times a day and usually he gets excited to have a pile of hay to burrow in not a flat patch. This isn’t a new thing I’ve just started doing.

He will do the same when I have to pick up his poops, he will run at my hand and try to bite me that’s why it seems more territorial than anything else..
And it’s not like he’s new to my home, I’ve had him two years.
Id be inclined to agree with Wiebke - particularly when put together with the fact he has rejected every other pig you’ve tried him with. It does sound like defensive behaviours from an upset piggy.

However, if this is a new thing, then I’d also want a vet check to ensure he isn’t brewing any medical issues. He would behave with you as he would if he did live with another pig - a poorly piggy can be like this with their partner when they are under the weather, so he could be transferring that to you.
That’s not a bad idea tbh.

He’s always hated me picking up his poops though, he’s always tried to nip at me when I do a poop clean.

He’s been having some gastrointestinal issues the last week, this is nothing new either, he’s had this on and off since I’ve had him. He’ll have soft poops not diarrhoea poops but squishy for a day or so, then he’ll go for 12 hours or more without pooping at all.

He’s been to a vet about this and they couldn’t find anything wrong with him. They recommended critical care when he’s not pooping and benabac (sp) when he’s got the squishy poops. That’s always seems to work and he’s back to normal now with healthy poops after a few days/week of weird poops or no poops.

Been to two different vets in the past about it. No impaction, no blocked glands. Nothing physical they could find.

I posted about it before on here and for some really good advice from Pigs and Buns (I think that was her name) and her advice really helped! This issue he would have constantly but since doing what she suggested this last time was the first time it has happened again in a good few months.
Your advice was so helpful! His poop issues have been so much better since your help. Thank you. :)

As for him being defensive, is there anyway I can combat it? I really don’t want him to start biting..
Your advice was so helpful! His poop issues have been so much better since your help. Thank you. :)

As for him being defensive, is there anyway I can combat it? I really don’t want him to start biting..

I’m glad he’s been better.

The links which Wiebke added in her reply above will be the first things to check out.
It will hopefully help, but you shouldn’t expect it to be quick nor completely resolve his issues - there may be things which happened to him before he came to you which have affected him, it’s probably linked to the reason he has rejected so many potential new companions
It’s very strange as he’s such a confident pig now, he’s not scared of noises, he’s very social with me and loves to be petted. I don’t pick him up often just for nail trims and weigh day/health checks which he’s rather compliant with. A bit of chatter from him but that’s about it. It’s just when it’s poop cleaning time. And last night when I touched his hay.

Maybe he wasn’t expecting me to do it and I did move my hand behind him as I was sitting on the floor next to his cage as normal when I’m reading. I usually fluff his hay when I’m standing up and he’s ok with it and actually popcorns because he loves to dive in his huge hay pile.

He’s such a good boy and I think it just hurt my feelings that he bit, though it was my fault for doing something we always do the same differently. Silly for letting it hurt my feelings I know.. 😂

I’ve since fluffed his hay a few times today from standing as usual and he did his little popcorn dance as normal.