Biting... Naughty Sunny!


Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2013
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Since I took the gang to the vet to have a nails cut Sunny has started trying to bite
No obviously there is a problem because I can't see to move my hands out of the way
She also screams the place down when I'm trying to pick her up and any circumstance r
What can I do?
She will be about seven months now so is it her age?
I feel so sad
Sorry to hear that. My Iggy went through the same thing after bad experiences with medications, vet visits and nail clips. He started to bite a lot. I think it was due to the man handling experience and with a bit of piggy language and firm piggy dominance he stopped eventually.

Do you know if the quick was cut at all? That's the only kind of bad experience I can think of that might bring out a bitey response. Her age and hormones probably don't help either! XD
I don't think the quilt was caught because the vet would've told me
Sorry my Apple dictation is being rubbish
I'm wondering if it's just her age because she's trying to push your status up in the haired to become the Alpha so she's a bossy little madam at the moment
Naughty girl
She's been trying to use her dominance to become the alpha female which my alpha male is not too happy about so I'm wondering if that's got something to do with it as well as her age
She never used to be like this
If it's only recently she could be in season, a few of my girls are super cows when they're in season. Not usually to me but definitely to each other! Perhaps try some piggy dominance techniques with her, hopefully she'll calm down soon :)
She is seven months now and I think she's just being a spoiled little teenage brat
You can never tell with guinea pigs though I hope she hasn't got into a habit of this fingers crossed
I was thinking about doing some positive association with her but I would have to pick her up in order to do this I'm a bit scared about being bitten
So I am at a bit of a loss...
Don't be scared, piggies don't tend to draw blood unless they're super scared. I know it's not nice to be nipped but I know when I was going through it with Iggy I just had to take a deep breath and show him who's boss :)
That's easy for you to say she has some funny size of teeth
My Betsy nips when she is in season and turns into PSYCHO piggie! Also she will nip and bite my clothes when she has had enough of being handled. Oddly she also gives an affectionate nip after she has finished licking my hand. This affectionate nip is different to the other nips more of a carress if that makes sense.
I read that thread but I didn't really find it very helpful I did explain why guinea pigs could bite though which I did find helpful.
I wonder if it's just a phase she's going through because of hormones?
Silly girl!
I managed to get sunny out of the cage this morning without being bitten
What I did was I took all the other guinea pigs out first and put them in the carrier then I lifted up the house he was inside so I was able to pick her up from underneath which she was not happy with it was a bit of screaming but in the carrier she went
How long does the hormonal teenage phase last with guinea pigs? Or does it vary from guinea pig to guinea pig? Because Sunny is a real problem pig! She's a pest