Biting HELP!

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Hi, i adopted a lovely guinea pig called Jerry from Pets At Home over a year ago so he is now roughly coming up for 2 years old. He was taken back to them as the person that bought him put him with another male and they did nothing but fight. When we were at Pets At Home we handled him and he was lovely...not a single nibble, but when we got him home it was another story. He settled well at first and then all of a sudden he started biting and i don't mean nibbling...he has drawn blood on several occasions. We tried all the usual steps of handling with a towel, always having treats on hands etc, but this didn't work and he just seemed totally miserable all the time. We spoke 2 Pets At Home and they said maybe he was depressed, lonely or fruity. So we got him a female mate and after he had sown his oats he seemed fine but was always pushing her round the cage and still biting. When the baby was born after a few days he started pushing the baby round, standing on him and biting him. So we seperated them and fortunately managed 2 rehome mum n baby with other family members when the time came. After they were gone he seemed contented and would let you stroke him in his cage but still did not like being handled. The biting continued though. Recently we had to take him to the vets as he had an open wound under his chin (he had been chewing in his outside wooden hutch and got a huge splinter). I could of punched the vet though! As soon as i said he was a biter the vet grabbed him by the scruff8... i was mortified as the noise from Jerry was heartbreaking. He gave him an injection of antibiotics and this made him worse8.... When we got him home he was very subdued and hid in his bed for a few days...even his favourite spinach treat couldn't get him out. Eventually he came out and we managed 2 handle him and stroke him for 2 weeks then he reverted back to biting hard again. I'm really sorry for the sermon but i wanted to explain myself fully. Is there anything else i can try as the poor thing just sits in his cage all the time. He is an indoor guinea at all times but he has an outdoor cage and goes out during the day when we can manage to handle him safely.
Please help if you can as i'm at a loss and it seems like he has such a rubbish life.
i am so orry to hear about your piggy, hes a fiesty little monster by the sounds of it!

I had a rabbit who was like that - we got him castrated and he calmed right down - i do not know if this is the same for piggys?

There are loads of people who willb e able to help you on here so be good to get some more advice from others!
I've got one like this that I don't trust an inch and he was adopted from pets at home too. He has never bitten me yet but I know that he would if he got the chance. You can be stroking his head and he is great then all of a sudden he will throw his head back and try to bite you.:) When I try to catch him to put him in the playhouse for grass and exercise he is a pain and will start chattering his teeth in threatening manner.rolleyes
Sounds like mine to a T lol! We have a right pair then! Must be a Pets At Home issue. They said they would gladly take Jerry back even after all this time but he would live out his days in solitary confinement out the back - how mean & awful is that?
Minty is a biter...looks like butter wouldn't melt right?!


He's also a Pets at Home 'adoption' and he too was fine when we first got him. Then he started biting...and I have the scars to prove it! Took him to the vets to get him checked out for any skin complaints that might be making him sensitive, but the vet found nothing (and did he bit the vet? Of course not...)

Sounds to me like your vet isn't specialised in small/exotic animals. Perhaps try to find one that is, or at the very least is confident to be able to pick up a biter properly.

Over time, with handling using oven gloves, Minty came round to the idea of being picked up albeit reluctantly. He still flinches if you approach him suddenly and doesn't like being carried, but he's not to bad now when he's on your lap. Having said that, he's recently started biting me on the forearm if I hold him longways. So, it's one hand under his bum and the other on his back...he can look over my shoulder and his teeth are far away from me!:))
Awww he is sooooo sweet lol;) As soon as i find the lead i will try to upload a photo of Jerry...he is satan is disguise - pure white with red eyes and he certainly is a lil devil! He had mites last year and gnawed a bald spot on his back in the shape of a V coz he was going from left to right constantly but the lady at the pet shop who clips his claws checked him over the other day and she said he seems clear...Yes he did manage 2 bite her aswell, but she is used 2 him. I will have 2 surf the net and see if i can find someone near me who deals with small animals - i didn't even realise piggies had a scruff to grab hold of like certainly wasn't a nice experience 4 him.
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