Biting boar

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Hi all,

We've had our piggies just over two weeks now. Apart from the usual bit of being wary of being handled, we've not really had any problems holding our piggies. But 2 nights ago our boar Teabag has suddenly started biting our arms when we lift them to put him back in his hutch for the night. He did it to me monday, and we thought nothing of it. But he did it to my partner james when he put him out in the run and when we put them to bed for the night. Its not really deep bites, almost like he's scraping his teeth along your skin, which leaves very slight scratches.

I'm not worried in that its hurting us, but I wonder why he's suddenly started doing this when he's been very placid and pleasant up until now. I don't want him to think he can carry on biting us, but i don't know what to do.

Is this normal boar behaviour? Or is it something in what we are doing thats provoking it? Until we handle him he has been very relaxed and cooing gently...
I had this with Bully when I first got him, he just wouldn't stop biting! He was evil! I got him at 6 weeks and now at 4 months he has JUST started to calm down when I take him out of his cage now he wriggles and tries to bite but doesnt actually bite anymore but when I pick him up to put him back in he's a lot calmer now. I thought of every reason, I sprayed him becuase I thought he may have mites and didn't like being touched, but he was just a biter, but I persevered (through the blood and pain) and he has calmed down alot now. When he bites you gently blow on the top of his head it distracts them, and I have also found that actually saying NO! does seem to have some effect. I also think it has something to with the way we pick them up and what you pick them up in, i.e., I tried everything with Bully but found picking him up and laying him in a towel helped calm him a little plus he ripped the towel instead of my arm!
Thanks piglover! I thought it would be a fairly normal problem, but good to know.

I think I will pick him up with a tea towel or somethng over my arm, sounds like a good plan! That way he can nibble if he wants and i won't squeal with pain :(

Will try the blowing thing too...whenever you touch their heads in any way it does seem to make them freeze!
Hi, i had the same problem with one of my boars although he's temprament is timid. Whenever he bit me i said NO! and after a while instead of biting he likes to lick my hands when hes near me.
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