Biting Because I Invaded His Space?


Junior Guinea Pig
May 13, 2022
Reaction score
So, I just went to say hi to my pigs. Usually when I greet them I have a closed fist and they just come up to smell it. I had put my hand in front of Harold's hide first, which he didn't respond to, then to Henrietta's, and she came up to smell my hand. I put my hand in front of Harold's again and he came up and lightly bit my finger without hesitation. I took my hand away and I made a surprised sound. He put his head on the ground and I tried again and this time he just sniffed my hand without biting then went back to relaxing. I'm now wondering if I invaded his personal space today? It's never happened before despite me always putting my hand in front of the hides every time I go to greet them, so I wonder if he was maybe saying I was too close this time? I also wonder if he was maybe confusing my hand for food or that he was just being friendly. Anyone have any ideas so I can keep it in mind for the future? He's nibbled my fingers before so it's not too unusual, just that it was the first time in this sort of situation.
Mine don’t bite they just wonder, my perky only nibbles / bites if he’s uncomfortable or wants to get down, they probably wondered if you had food as their eye sight isn’t that great, there maybe others with answers but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about