Biting babies!

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Title says it all really. But my baby piggies keep biting me esp when I am giving them critical care. It does hurt but obviously wanna get them out the habit of it so any tips how to go about this or will they just stop as they get older? x
not much experience her but perhaps wrap them in a towel and feed them that way. when zoe or jessie nip me i nose but them and they soon stop and keep me the look. hoping you sort your sweet little babies out. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
they might be biting out of fright, good idea of Mary's to wrap them in a towel :) usually they grow out of biting
I think they go through a nibbly stage esp. if you've been hand feeding / syringe feeding - they think human = food! Mine have all grown out of it (well, mostly!), hopefully yours will too!

Hmm...One of my babies do this...
Usually when I'm putting her back in her cage, but resently when i just hold her she tried to head butt my hand away from her...moody little hog, but I still love her to peices.
I'll try this towel thing.
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