Biting at Cage


New Born Pup
May 21, 2023
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Hi I just got 2 boy guinea pigs and wanted to ask for some advice, I hope I’m putting this in the right place. They do not get along at all so I have them in separate 8sqft cages but I keep them close to each other cause I know how important it is for them to have company but they continuously bite at the bars and will only stop once I put a towel in-between them. I'm worried about their teeth but I also don't want them to be lonely.
Hello and welcome to the forum.

If we could have a bit more information that will help us put the behaviour into context.

How old are they
How long have you had them
Did they live together before you got them

I’d keep the towel there for a day or so to give them a little break and see how they are after that.
I’m sorry to hear about their fall out.

You are right, separated piggies do need to be side by side but if they are in separate commercial cages you could try moving their cages slightly further apart (obviously much that they can’t interact) and see if a little space between their territories helps them settle.

I absolutely agree with weepweeps though - leave the towel for a few days and then slowly remove it and see if they settle
Hello, and welcome.
We have 2 boys who live separately, Billy and Hamish.
Billy became a bar biter when we had to separate them. We had cardboard up against the divide, on and off for the first few days. Now we just have a third of the divide covered with cardboard. Unfortunately Billy has retaught Hamish about bar biting, and Hamish now does it for attention. This means that if we are about to give food, and Hamish is biting the bars, we walk away until he has stopped, so he gains no attention from bar biting. I hope your boys settle down soon.
When you say they don't get on with each other, what do you mean?