Biting and teeth chattering

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 12, 2011
Reaction score
west lothian
Ever since my guinea pig bud had a fungal infection (which i am treating) him & his brother are not getting on teeth chattering constantly last week there was blood on cage and splattered up the wall today there was a squeal from bud and he was limping he seems fine. I have a two teir cage and find they are normally on different levels I also have a bit I can close off so they can't get to each other but can still see each other was wondering if I should keep them separate till buds condition is clear and how to get them to get along again
I have put them in separate parts just now but wondering how long I should do this for
They were fine until this fungal condition they are brothers and are 3 years old
boars can fall out at anytime you're not the first you won't be the last unfortunatly they dont always stay friends :(
Forgot to add that smokey also bit my Oh today had him bleeding Oh wasn't happy at all
if theyre stressed let them settle for a day or 2 then see how they react to each other with a grid between them
Any ideas on how to get them friends again they have been seperated all night just put them out of cage for a run as soon as I did that smokey started chattering again but bud is looking for him
ok piggies dont normally, bite i'm sure you have checked but he doesn't have mites does he? i would wait until bud is healed before trying to re-introduce :)
Sounds as though something is irritating them or they are sore from the fungal which can make them ultra sensitive to eveything. Have you checked for mites?
Sounds as though something is irritating them or they are sore from the fungal which can make them ultra sensitive to eveything. Have you checked for mites?

yeah have treated them twice due more tomorrow but they have stopped itching just bud has fungal infection will wait till it clears up before i let them be anywhere near each other
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