Bites or kisses?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2012
Reaction score
Didsbury, Manchester
Wilbur is my gorgeous quiet 4 month old boar who is also the dominant pig and boss of his louder, wrigglier pal Otis. He's not keen on being picked up but lets me do it and seems relaxed / eats on my lap / seems to enjoy a cuddle when he's in the mood.

The last few times i've had him on my knee, he has put his teeth on my skin when he finds an exposed hand. :{ The first couple of times he did it i jerked my hand away thinking he was going to bite but since then i've left my hand there and he just sits with his teeth slightly pinching my skin - staring up at me. What on earth is he doing? Anyone elses piggies do this?

One of my boys does this, i have no clue why he does it but i don't see it as aggression because if he wanted, he could quite easily break the skin. :)
Hi. A couple of my piggies do this when they have had enough of me stroking and kissing them and want to get down! It doesnt hurt, I just feel them pulling the skin on my arm with their teeth.
My girls do this when they want to go to the toilet. Maybe you should put him back when he does this and watch to see if he goes.
Thanks for your replies - relieved it's a normal behaviour and it doesn't mean he wants to eat me! When he did it the other day i put him back and he went straight for a wee but today he didn't. Perhaps it's just that he's had enough cuddles - i was hoping it might mean that he wanted more - darn it!
A couple of my pigs do this when they have had enough of cuddles, they nibble slightly, not enough to break the skin as others have said above, but just enough so i know they want to go back to bed, and as soon as i o put them back, they go straight to their potty and tiddle, although my 2 younger babies have not learnt this yet, and just tiddle on me rolleyesrolleyes
Ha - oh yes I got piddled on myself by the other one last week. I'm really not sure what the nibble thing means - Wilb just did it again after only a few mins on my lap when he looked all snuggly in a fleece. Wasn't even stroking him but he looked round for my hand, had a little nibble, I put him back incase he needed a wee but he just sat there! :{ strange piggie!
Guinea pigs are strange sometimes. It may just mean they want to go back. One of my girls does this which means she wants to go back. She will do it as soon as I pick her up!
Yeh I think it probably is that he wants to go back - just wish it wasn't straight away! i'm going to keep putting him back when he does it anyway and keep an eye out if he piddles.
Hmmm i'm not so sure judging by the amount last time! :)) Think I would need about 5 towels his bladder must be huuuugee! A waterproof blanket is top of my piggie shopping list.
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