Bit Worried - cut on Cheeky's back

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
:( worried about Cheeky and Thorn, 2 of my boars. Have just found a pretty fresh scab on a cut on Cheeky's back. Probably only 2- 3mm long and clean. Presumably this has been inflicted in a tiff? There is nothing I can think of in his cage that he could have cut himself on. I have not heard a major argument between the two but it does look like a war wound to me.

Thorn was introduced to Cheeky via boar dating as a youngster in November and they have been settled since then. They are currently in the play pen and fairly happy - bit of rumbling and attemts at humping from Cheeky but nothing excessive. Really, really do not want to separate. Any thoughts?
All you can do is keep an eye on their relationship - the odd nip is part of the dominance sort out and as long as it doesn't escalate into full on fighting they should be ok. Lots of space and two of everything in the cage often helps.

The other cause could be a self inflicted wound from scratching due to lice/mites/fungal skin problems.


Suzy x
Thanks for reply - it was helpful.
I will keep a close eye - just worried because Cheeky has been separated before from his original cage mate which is why we went boar dating. Is the centre of the back a common place for fight wounds?

I will also check him all over again for any skin issues but to be honest he has a v shiny and healthy coat and has not been noticeably scratching but it is worth me checking. Good idea.
Darwin had a cut on his back once, it turned out to be from Gus' nails when he had gotten too friendly..!
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