Biscuit's being a bully

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Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Biscuit is top pig and Gizmo has always been fine about that but tonight Biscuit has been constantly chasing Gizmo and mounting him.

There's no actual violence and they've done it before, but its so unrelenting tonight for some reason. Could this be the first sign that we are about to have issues with sharing a cage,or does anyone know if this is normal, and they're just having a bit of a dominence sort out?

Gizmo doesn't seem to be challenging Biscuit, but I just wish Biscuit would leave Gizmo alone. All the chasing must be wearing the poor little thing out.

Is there a chance that Biscuit is just having a funny five minutes? How long should I let this go on (I'm hoping its stopped in the morning) before I need to do something about it. I don't want to interfere at the moment because I'm hoping that the faster they go through the motions and sort their issues out, the faster they'll settle down again.
The two boars I had did this when I introduced a younger male. It wasn't the dominant male, it was his brother mostly. I left the hutch door open and whichever one of them would start I picked him up and gave him a time out on the chair. I don't know if that's what fixed it (doubt it, but it could have associated dominant behaviour with being startled) but a week later there was only the occasional rumble. The new boar did it a couple of times as well, though so he wasn't totally innocent. The dominant boar only chased when either of them tried to steal his food or water.
I would leave it but keep an eye out in case it turns into a fight.
Well thankfully they seem to have settled down now. Last night there was a bit of rumbling and mounting but no constant squeeking like the night before.

I've been in about a hour now and ........there we go! As I'm typing this we get a bit of a rumble! I've not seen anything other than this tonight so I''m hoping whatever was bothering them has been sorted out now!
Two of my boys,Sooty and Sweep,were doing that 2 nights ago.Sweep id the dominant one but like yours ,he constantly chased Sooty around with a really crazy look in his eyes.It worried me,I wondered if he was having some sort of fit.By the morning everything was calm again and theres been nothing since.Maybe its something in the air!
There's not a full moon is there? Maybe we're about to get were-pigs! >:D ;D ;D
Well,harmony seems to have been pretty much restored but I'ma bit worried about Gizmo.

He's always been a boisterous pig.He wheeks if we go near a plastic bag as he thinks the rustling means food, if you go near the cage he climbs up the bars to get to you,and my fiance always had a little routine in the morning where he gave Gizmo a flake of food before he filled the bowl.

Now he's all subdued and he won't take his flake anymore (so my fiance's all subdued as well!)

It seems like hes had a telling off and is a bit sulky,but will he go back to normal? I miss my noisy Gizmo!
It looks like to me that Gizmo used to be the leader, but now Biscuit came along and won the fight, resulting in him being the new leader, and Gizmo is very sour about it.

There always has to be a leader, except in very VERY rare circumstances, and there's really only one way for leaders to be decided in the animal kingdom...

I think that most of the time when people divide piggies they are just very nervous... :-\
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