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Big thank you, to Helen@Becklen.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 19, 2011
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Just to give a big thank you, to Helen at Becklen Rescue in Gretna.Who was was a great source of help and advice during out recent drama.

Let me fill you in with the story!

Our six year old twin girls wanted a guinea pig each for their birthday at the end of January,so we had a quick look at the internet for some advice on the piggies.And thought it should be a breeze,as we have owned various pets over the years.

A friend of the family works in a small local pet shop,so we ordered two boys from the breeder they use for guinea pigs.They where called Timon and Pumba,after the girls favourite film The Lion King.

The problems started right away,as Pumba the larger of the two started biting
everbody in sight.Them started biting the little one Timon.We tried to give plenty of time to settle down,but he still kept biting.

It then came to ahead when both the twins,said that they did not love Pumba anymore,as he kept biting them.We had to do something as Timon was getting all the attention,because everybody was scared of Pumba.

All the time little Timon was great he loved his cuddles and kisses,and everbody took a shine to him.

So i spoke to Helen at Becklen,and she said that she would take Pumba from us,and at the same time we could try and bond little Timon with another older boar.

So we set off on Saturday from Glasgow to Gretna,with a heavy heart.We wanted to do the right thing for everbody,we did not want just to take Pumba back to the pet shop.And give somebody else the same problem.

Helen welcomed us into her home,and then took us into the guinea pig room.We where shocked at the amount piggies that had in the resuce,but the big shock was still to come.

Helen then told us that little Timon was not a boy,but a little girl!Also she was pregnant.As you could imagine we where in deep shock.

Helen had offered to take little Timon in during the pregancy,but we could not let her go as everbody has fallen in love with her.I nearly said him!She also said that there could be risk to Timon and the babies,because she was so young.We thing she is about 3-4 months.

We then tried Timon with another couple of females,but she not not seem to get on with them.Then we tried her with Brian a boar about 16 months old.He was the one that we thought would maybe take back with us in the first place,As he is so timid and laid back.

They seemed to get on well together,Brian is not neutered.But at the moment he cannot do any more damage to little Timon.We are taking him the vets this week,to get him booked in for a little operation!

Both are getting on fine,Brian thinks all his birthdays and christmas has come early for him.But little Timon is made of stronger stuff,and keeps him right,when he starts his bum shuffle!

Our main concern at the moment is to make sure that little Timon is in good health,the twins have been told not to handle her because of her condition.But they are to busy kissing and cuddling Brian,who is such a big sweet lump.So at the moment we are just taking one day at time until the babies come along.

Helen says we can call her at any time for help or advice,i am sure we will at some point in the near future.Last word for big Pumba we all still miss you,but our fingers seem happy!

We hope everything goes well for him in his future home,Helen will keep us in touch on how he gets on.

Once again thank you Helen.
Excellent outcome from a sad situation! Will be fun when the babies are there!
I've never had a pregnant guinea pig before but I do know when the girl gives birth they come into Season immediately which is why back to back pregnancies arise. I would imagine if your pig had her babies early or miscarried she would come into season immediately and new pig could impregnate her again?

I'm not sure if this would happen or not, or what the chances are of this happening but I'd be curious to know. Hopefully someone could advise further as I would like to know if this could happen.
Hi and welcome to the forum!

What a drama indeed! I am glad that both Pumba and Timon (are you going to change the name?) are now happy and in a good place. Five of my own piggies are from Sokel/Becklen rescues.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have in terms of pregnancy/baby care in our pregnancy section. It is still a very sad fact that so many shop/back yard breeder piggies are missexed or pregnant because nobody cares to inform themselves as to the proper age when piggies have to be separated - which is VERY early indeed! I started my adult piggy life with a pregnant shop sow as well and have since then gone strictly rescue!

You may have to separate Brian when it comes closer to time. A randy boar (and neutering won't change that) is not great around little pups, apart from mummy coming into season straight after birth when he is probably not safe yet - that 4-6 weeks ofter the op. But he will be great to look after any male pups when they have to leave mummy and sister at three weeks old, especially if there is only one!
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hiyah, indeed an interesting story!

I too got my little fellas from Helen at Gretna, and that guinea pig room well what can i say, not to mention the dogs who i also fell for completely!

Hope the pregnancy goes well, and they all live happily ever after x

fingers crossed that Pumba ends up happy too x
We made the same mistake in buying 2 "females" and one was aboy, the female was pregant and also very young, possibly younger than yours and she had 2 babies, unfortunately one did a couple of days after birth, however the other 2 and mum were absolutely fine, i know its not the same for every GP but hopefully this may put your mind at rest.

I think the sooner you can get Brian "done" would be the best option all round, it will take 6 weeks for him to be infertile so if the babies come in that time then there will be more prgnancies!

Hope it all go's well, cant wait to see pictures of them and follow her story.
Forgot to mention that Helen had advised to keep Brian apart from Timon,just before she is due to give birth,and until the babies are grown up.

I have just ordered another cage,so i have everything a hand.When it comes time to split them up.Helen thinks it may be another approx 5-6 weeks before she is due.By that time Brian should have had his operation done.

With regards to the names,Timon is still going to be Timon,and Brian is still going to be Brian.One of my kids wanted to change his name to Toto,after the dog from The Wizard Of Oz.But we managed to talk her out of it.
The "girl" we bought which is actaully a boy is still called Lilly, i dont think they mind too much.
aww lovely that you've got sorted, hope all goes well with the pregnancy- my OH is called Brian:))
Forgot to mention that Helen had advised to keep Brian apart from Timon,just before she is due to give birth,and until the babies are grown up.

I have just ordered another cage,so i have everything a hand.When it comes time to split them up.Helen thinks it may be another approx 5-6 weeks before she is due.By that time Brian should have had his operation done.

With regards to the names,Timon is still going to be Timon,and Brian is still going to be Brian.One of my kids wanted to change his name to Toto,after the dog from The Wizard Of Oz.But we managed to talk her out of it.

I was sure that Helen would have given you proper advice. She's got loads of practice!

Timon won't be the only forum piggy with a cross gender name... :))

I hope that all goes well for her. if Brian is getting the snip soon, he will be ready to join her.
I am please that you got things sorted before it was to late. I also have 2 piggies from Helen :)

I hope everything goes well with the neutering and births of the babies and I hope Pumba finds a loving home.

Although a sad story, it is nice to have a happy ending xx
Just to give a little update,took both of the piggies to the vets last night.Timon has about 4-5 weeks to go before she gives birth,like Helen had said.The vet thinks she may give birth to two,as she had a little feel about.But she is not 100% sure.

Brian in booked in for next Wednesday for his little operation,other than that they are getting on great.Both are in good health.Brian has also cut his down his humping attempts,which means little Timon can get some piece and quiet.

If there is any more news,i will post more updates.
Poor Brian - thinking his luck is in, until next wednesday when he realises it isnt!

Good luck with the birth. I think we will need to see pictures.

Was Pumba biting becasue he was protecting her do you think?
I met your lovely Pumba at Helen's at the weekend. he is adorable and i'm sure he will find a good home soon
Best wishes for Timon's pregnancy.
Hi Angela and Alistair - ooooooooooooooooopppppppsssss I mean Alan.

I was calling him Alistair all day - it must be my age.

I am so happy to hear Brian and Timon are getting on well. Brian will be fine after his op and as long as you remove him in good time before she gives birth all will be well.

He can go back in with her after around 5 to 6 weeks but I would just leave her with the babies in any event and keep him apart from her. If she has baby boys remember the 3 week rule - take them out.....

I can do sexing for you if you fancy another trip over.

Pumba is doing very well and is a lovely boy. He has today gone to Glasgow to be cared for by Charlotte one of our foster carers and will be paired with a baby boar in due course and then rehomed.

Becca - you will need to drive to Glasgow now to get Pumba ---- :o

Love to you all and keep me posted on progress with Timon.


PS: Another 11 in - IF you wanted any more ha ha.xx
oo baby pigglys. You are sooo going to squeel when you clap your eyes on them.
And make the most of them as well they grow soooo fast8)
Hi Helen, yeah we will definetly pop down for you to sex them, thats great thanks. Cant believe Pumba is back in Glasgow. If we can help out with dropping him back down to you when were coming, or any others, just let me know. It would be great to see him again. Although he bit us all, we still love him. Sounds like he's behaving better now, perhaps he was just being protective of his wife. Her ears are missing wee bits from him biting her as well. The vet thought Brian was amazing and they made a very cute couple, fingers crossed they both get through their medical issues and settle into married life. We bought a new cage so if we get 2 boys or 2 girls we can keep them. Its going to be an exciting year ahead, they were supposed to be our daughters birthday present, but i think me and Allan love them more than we expected to. I've always been a cat lover and Allan a dog lover, we are both now piggie converts x)
Hi and welcome :)
I'm sooo glad you have it all sorted out, Helen is a very lovely lady :)
Good luck with little Brian and his snip (ouchies boy but you'll be loving it in a few more wheeks!) and lots of luck for little Timon on her pregnancy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Looking forward to pigtures at some stage.....sooner rather than later x)

Glynis, Velvet and Onyx x

p.s my hubby's name is Allan also!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Just wanted to update you all, Brian had his wee op today, which went well. He was feeling sorry for himself but Timon was kssing him through the bars of his seperate cage and that perked him up alot. It was sooooo cute, they were full on snogging. She was pining for him the whole time he was away, they have bonded amazingly well although she is definetly the boss. Its funny to watch as she is half his size. Only 3 weeks until the babies come, fingers crossed. Helen, how did your female that was only a few days away when we were down get on?
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