Better To Get A Neutered Boar Or A Sow?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
Gloucester, Gloucestershire
Hey all,

I'm not overly happy that i've got to do this so soon but i am genuinely concerned that Tabby is not the most healthy guinea pig in the world at the moment and Oxford is SO attached to her that it would be cruel not to get them bonded with another companion NOW in case anything happens to Tabby. Oxford would be absolutely destroyed if she were to lose Tabby right now as her only friend as she can't even handle being left in the cage on her own or being cuddled on her own for even just a minute, spends the entire time squeaking for Tabby. We are getting there but she is so easily distressed with out her I'm seriously concerned for her well being if we should lose Tabby.

I was thinking of finding a neutered boar, but I'm now thinking of Oxford, would she bond in the same way with a boar as she would a sow?

What do you guys think would be best for her to bond with? I want her to have the same or better kind of companion ship that she has with Tabby so that the blow isn't so hard on her if we lose Tabby. I'm hopeful she'll be ok but I just want to be prepared for every situation at the moment.
Aw it's always stressful when you're not sure what to do for the best with companionship.
Perhaps if you chat to your local rescue and ask about dating with your current two, and see if you find any good matches, whether it be with a sow or a boar?
Young sows are often a safe bet. They tend to be automatically at the bottom of the pecking order and will often stay that way even after they've hit the hormonal time of their lives.
I have a neutered boar for Snowball, but this is because she didn't get on with the sows she was living with, she wasn't at all comfortable about them being there. She and her boar have now formed a lovely close bond and it's great that Snowball has finally found companionship that she is happy with.
The dynamics of threes are different to pairs, and whether you get a boar or sow no-one can garuntee all three will gel, and no certainty that they will automatically accept a boar. I know that in this moment of time, for example, one of my other sows would attack my boar if I put them together, or at least I'm pretty sure as this is what she has done on previous introductions, yet she is very sweet with other sows. I never predicted this.

i.e. I have a sow who was uncomfortable with other sows to the point of becoming aggressive, yet enjoys being with her boar.
On the opposite end of the scale I have a sow who enjoys the company of every other sow she's ever been with but immediately and violently rejected the boar.

I think it's hard to know how they'll react to boar or sow until you try it, so this is why I suggest, if you can, going to a rescue with an open mind and see who your current piggies choose :)
Hey all,

I'm not overly happy that i've got to do this so soon but i am genuinely concerned that Tabby is not the most healthy guinea pig in the world at the moment and Oxford is SO attached to her that it would be cruel not to get them bonded with another companion NOW in case anything happens to Tabby. Oxford would be absolutely destroyed if she were to lose Tabby right now as her only friend as she can't even handle being left in the cage on her own or being cuddled on her own for even just a minute, spends the entire time squeaking for Tabby. We are getting there but she is so easily distressed with out her I'm seriously concerned for her well being if we should lose Tabby.

I was thinking of finding a neutered boar, but I'm now thinking of Oxford, would she bond in the same way with a boar as she would a sow?

What do you guys think would be best for her to bond with? I want her to have the same or better kind of companion ship that she has with Tabby so that the blow isn't so hard on her if we lose Tabby. I'm hopeful she'll be ok but I just want to be prepared for every situation at the moment.

It is great that you are thinking about Tabby's wellbeing so much.

It doesn't matter whether it is a sow or a neutered boar. The key in my experience is mutual liking above gender or age. It's worked both ways with piggies of mine, and in some cases with the same piggy.
One of the reasons I started with my Tribe adventure was to spare my neutered boar Llewelyn the inevitable pining when his older and much beloved sow-wife Dizzy passed away - which it did in the form of sisters Nerys and Nia. Dizzy herself was bereaved twice; she was dated by my same age bereaved Minx at a rescue and then went to choose the two years younger Llewelyn after Minx' passing. Each time, it was love at first sniff but not always with the first candidate; in the case of Minx, it was actually feisty, but sweet natured little Dizzy who adopted us and not the other way around. :)

Alternatively, if you have got the space and suitable housing, you could consider looking for two younger sows that could live next door with interaction through the bars as long as Oxford is around and very frail. This would not put any more stress on Oxford, but would allow Tabby to get to know her new friends and get stimulation and distraction from them. It would also mean that she would come top when you introduce them and you wouldn't face the same dilemma again over Tabby.
I am doing this currently with my rather frail 7 year old Ffraid, who I have found a 3 year old neutered boar for company who has two similar aged sows (one of them a double widow) to flirt with through the bars which he can join after Ffraid has gone. This gives him stimulation now and means that he will be well acquainted with them when Ffraid's time has come.
I think you got the piggies the wrong way around but the advice still works ;)

I'd have to discuss with the landlord (and my husband) the possibility of getting another two sows i'm not sure how chuffed either of them would be! I do have permission to get ONE more guinea pig, so, I would have to see. Space might be an issue too having two cages of two guineas next to each other, I'll have a chat with the husband tonight.
I forgot to explain in the first post, Tabby is a 5 year old pink eyed white sow, ovarian cysts which are currently causing her problems (going to take her into the vet to see my favourite vet ASAP) shes a very sweet old lady, never gets upset regardless of where you poke or prod can be a little dominant with Oxford and has always been a bit more grumpy/dominant with other guineas but i'm guessing just making sure they knows whos boss and Oxford my other sow, a Teddy or Rex or a cross between the two is only just 5 months old, incredibly boisterous and such a little mischief!
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