Better Bedding

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I use shavings and find it economical and effective.
I used to use wood shavings and noticed that my girls used to sneeze a little. I swapped to Fleece but I found it to be a nightmare for me, I just couldn't bear the constant poop mess and hay and the washing too.

I reverted back to shavings until my dad bought me a big bag of Easibed, I have been using that and apart from the smell I think it is brilliant - it smells just as though you are in the woods so not a bad smell really.

I did post a thread a couple of weeks back to see if anyone used Easibed but didn't get any replies, the bag has an 0161 phone number so maybe it is just a Northwest product?

Kerri x
I know people who use Easibed for their horses in Gloucester. I think they even do at my uni. I use fleece myself, but it can get quite messy with poops and hay. I suppose it depends on which you prefer really :).
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