Anniversary Herd
I took The Ever Beautiful Betsy off to see Aunty Rachel this afternoon as she (Betsy) has had wee pants for the last few days. Aunty Rachel had a good old feel of Betsy's bladder (very gently) and Betsy wasn't half complaining and was clearly very uncomfortable. Rachel suspects a bladder stone as Betsy's bladder felt very hard. Betsy is now on 0.25ml of Sulfatrim for 7 days and if she doesn't get better (as in no wee pants) after 7 days, Rachel recommends a scan of her bladder. Rachel said that Betsy's bladder felt hard but that could have been because Betsy was tensing that area up as she was objecting to being examined in such a sensitive area. Let's hope it's just a UTI and it clears up. I'm really hoping it's not a stone that has to be removed. Betsy is nearly 6 years old and I would have to think long and hard about putting her through an operation at such an advanced age.