best way to tame?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 7, 2011
Reaction score
I've got a boar who was neutered about a month ago and has been living inside ever since waiting to join the girls, he has always been skittish and not much liked being handled. Since being in i have been taking him out several times a day and hand feeding him his greens and he seems to have improved a little and now tolerates being handled but he still runs from me when i go to take him out or even if i am feeding him and when he is having his runaround he does his best to avoid me the entire time

Are there any tricks to tame him up? As i would love for him to at least be comfortable with me even if he never truely enjoys being handled
Theres not much else other than what your already doing in all honesty, guinea pigs are prey animals so will always be fearful of humans, and those guinea pigs who are outstandingly tame usually take a good year or more to get like that and a build that bond !

However if he's living on his own this may affect his behaviour, with friends guineas gain confidence and so usually taming takes longer in loan piggies.
Hopefully he will gain in confidence when he joins the girls as they are all happy to be handled even if they do run at first!
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