Junior Guinea Pig
I have had my Guinea pig 2.5 days and she's very chilled once on my knee and has settled down after 10 minutes to 20 minutes. She grooms herself while I stroke her and tucks into veggies without a care in the world. It's lovely to see.
One thing though, how best to stroke a Guinea pig that gives them most positive experience? Is under the chin better than on top of the head in terms of me not dominating her too much? I know gps sometimes stick their heads under another's chin area as a submissive/friendly gesture and I wondered if they therefore enjoy that most? Just wondering if anyone has any winning techniques for winning over their piggies? I notice she loves her belly doing but she hasn't fully flopped over yet. I kinda have to poke under her to stroke there but she does chat away to me more when I do and she relaxes and stretches out more after a while. Just trying to learn how best to make her feel comfortable and socialise with her in a way she understands ...
One thing though, how best to stroke a Guinea pig that gives them most positive experience? Is under the chin better than on top of the head in terms of me not dominating her too much? I know gps sometimes stick their heads under another's chin area as a submissive/friendly gesture and I wondered if they therefore enjoy that most? Just wondering if anyone has any winning techniques for winning over their piggies? I notice she loves her belly doing but she hasn't fully flopped over yet. I kinda have to poke under her to stroke there but she does chat away to me more when I do and she relaxes and stretches out more after a while. Just trying to learn how best to make her feel comfortable and socialise with her in a way she understands ...