Best way to introduce lots of sows?

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Sep 26, 2009
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I have all the wiring for my C&C cage just waiting on my boss to get me the coroplast. I am hopeing to have all 6 of my sows in the same cage. Problem is Abby and Moo don't seem to like each other much, other times they have been together they show teeth to each other and nip each others faces a lot.

Abby just had babies so I don't think washing her would be a good idea right now. In fact I think I will probably wait till we her babies are 3 weeks before moving her to the C&C cage because she has 4 boys anyway so they will never be in there.

But just now I put Cinnamon and Ed on the floor together and Cin was biting Ed a lot even though they were previously friends when they were caged together =(

So besides washing to help with bonding what else can I do to try to help pigs get along together, because I would love if they could all live in Harmony in the Huge C&C cage I am planning.
I was recommended putting Johnsons talcon powder on their genitals and rear end so they smell the same.

I did it when I introduced 2 boars together and it worked really well. Not sure if it would have the same effect for you though.
Sorry if this is common sense but I put mine in a clean bath with a neutral towel or fleece. I also made the biggest pile of veg with all their favourites, lots to keep them busy. I've never bathed my pigs for bonding and I haven't failed as yet!rolleyes
Here are tips for introductions:

Quite often, adding babies into the equation between sows can make one of the sows feel threatened in her "secure" bond. It might perhaps help if you slowly reintroduced your group through a series of shared run time on neutral floor, rather than full introductions.

Nipping and head butting is normal dominance behaviour (with the undersow crying out and loping off), bloody fights and bloody bites are not. Many adult sows are quite severe with youngsters, to make sure that they know their place at the bottom of the herd. You may have to work your way through some aggressive behaviour - as long as it is more threat than earnest, leave it be. Not rarely, a piggy hides its own fear behind threatening behaviour.

Is mummy the top or the undersow?
I haven't ever had Moo and Abby (mummy) together for more than a few minutes. I was just thinking maybe I should just make a seperate section for abby and the 1 female baby so that abby and moo can see each other but not fight. Moo and Abby are both dominant pigs but I THINK in the end Moo would probably be herd leader
In the end, they will have to sort it out between themselves one way or another - and you will probably get some "handbags at dawn" stand-offs between two dominant girls. It can get pretty rough between two ambitios girls!

It might be worth a thought adopting/acquiring a neutered male to complete the group (provided you have the space and you can find one), as he could diffuse quite a lot of the tensions that will arise. Boys are worth their weight in gold in situations like that - they can stabilise a group like nothing else!
Sometimes, it can pay off if you do introductions very slowly and by degrees in cases where you expect problems, so the piggies "know" each other before you officially introduce them and any dominance struggles won't be compounded by other factors.
Oh Wow I'm amazed =0

So last night I got the bottom layer of my C&C cage put together, but my boss was only able to get me 1 sheet of coroplast so far so thats all I could do. And I decided to put all my female pigs in and see what happens.

Moo and Eddy were like INSTANTLY Friends they didn't fight at all moo just went and slept with her in a pigloo right away.

But then abby was nipping everyone and causing a ruckus. and her and moo had a few showdowns which ended in moo running and hiding. I am AMAZED that moo isn't top pig. This morning all is calm in the pig cage. I think I will just leave it with all the pigs as they are for now since the baby boys have to be seperated in about a week and a half anyway. Then as soon as I get another sheet of coroplast I will expand ;D
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Good to hear.
I'm forever moving my differnt groups of sows around(mainly when any rescues come in, have been quarintined then go in with my girls which helps them settle and calm etc) and to be honest I just put them together and let them sort it out between theselves, obviously if thers any blood(touchwood never happened so far) I'd seperate.
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