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Best Way to Clean a Draining Abscess/Cyst


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 11, 2018
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
My pig has a lump under his chin, either an abscess or a cyst, and it drains every few weeks (a yellow, cheesy, toothpaste like consistency but has no smell). I was wondering what would be the best way to keep this hole clean. The vet poked a hole in the lump, which causes the puss to come out. When puss does come out, I usually take a warm compress (warm water and a paper towel) to clean it out. Is this the best way to do it or does anyone have any other way to keep this area clean? Thank you!
Where exactly is the lump? Reason I'm asking is I found one on a 10 week old sow I have while petting her chin. Her's is directly between the jawbones.
Did your vet lance it? If it was, then you need to clean it 2x a day with saline solution. Use a big syringe to flush the abcess out (do it a few times until you think there's no abcess coming out) then just wipe it dry. Was he prescribed antibiotics? Zythromax is the best one for abcess.
I think you need to clean it out twice a day and keep it open so it can heal from the inside out. If it forms a scan you need to remove it. 😲. Heather Rose has recently dealt with an abscess. Hopefully she will see this and reply. Best of luck to you and your piggy!
How big is the hole? I was able to get a Q-tip in there with Anna’s to get the puss out as well as flushing it twice a day. I did that for two weeks and she was on antibiotics for 3 weeks. She’s all better now, but it was a long road to recovery.
Hi everyone,
My pig has a lump under his chin, either an abscess or a cyst, and it drains every few weeks (a yellow, cheesy, toothpaste like consistency but has no smell). I was wondering what would be the best way to keep this hole clean. The vet poked a hole in the lump, which causes the puss to come out. When puss does come out, I usually take a warm compress (warm water and a paper towel) to clean it out. Is this the best way to do it or does anyone have any other way to keep this area clean? Thank you!


It sounds like you are dealing with a harmless sebaceous cyst and not an abscess (you can't miss an abscess stink!)
These cysts are harmless, but will refill. The only way to stop it from happening again and again is operative removal.

Please make sure that no infection can get in when they burst or they can abscess. Using a mild disinfectant like saline solution (either sterile from a pharmacy or made at home with mixing 1 teaspoons of salt into 1/2 pint/250 ml of boiled, cooled water), hibiscrub or very dilute F10 will do the trick.