Best Bedding For Large Cages?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
South East England
I've extended the boys cage and now my regular bedding isn't going to be cost effective at all, so I need a bedding that comes in bulk for a reasonable price, is absorbent/non smelly.

I've tried fleece previously and I really didn't get on with it so if anyone has any other recommendations, I (and my bank balance) would be eternally grateful :D Thank you!
I really get on with Aubiose. I get a HUGE bale from our local farm/equestrian shop for £10.50. The Aubiose itself doesn't have a smell to me (its made from hemp) and because the wee soaks through to the lower layer the top layer stays nice and dry and I find that this keeps smell to a very low level.
Duo Bed or Fitch

How long does the 20kg bag last you roughly?

I really get on with Aubiose. I get a HUGE bale from our local farm/equestrian shop for £10.50. The Aubiose itself doesn't have a smell to me (its made from hemp) and because the wee soaks through to the lower layer the top layer stays nice and dry and I find that this keeps smell to a very low level.

I love the sound of Aubiouse but I've not found an online supplier yet :( will have to keep searching!
I love Fitch,

I find it very absorbent, it's doesn't smell when opened like megazorb or shavings and is good with odor control, it's also lovely and soft.

One 20kg bale lasts me a month and i have 3 cages to clean out!

I love Fitch,

I find it very absorbent, it's doesn't smell when opened like megazorb or shavings and is good with odor control, it's also lovely and soft.

One 20kg bale lasts me a month and i have 3 cages to clean out!


I've heard good things about fitch so I'm leaning towards it now :) Do you tend to put anything beneath it, like newspaper? Or is it absorbent enough to put in alone?
I've heard good things about fitch so I'm leaning towards it now :) Do you tend to put anything beneath it, like newspaper? Or is it absorbent enough to put in alone?

I do put a good layer of newspaper underneath, I'm not sure if it would be absorbent enough on it's own but i find it more absorbent than shavings, megazorb was very absorbent but it smelt too weird for me and fleece was far too stinking (i could get it to last 3 days max) and i couldn't keep up with the washing!
I do put a good layer of newspaper underneath, I'm not sure if it would be absorbent enough on it's own but i find it more absorbent than shavings, megazorb was very absorbent but it smelt too weird for me and fleece was far too stinking (i could get it to last 3 days max) and i couldn't keep up with the washing!

I agree with you on the fleece, mine stunk almost instantly and the wash loads was insane! Fitch is looking to be the way to go then! Thank you :)
Auboise is very good but I changed my supplier to one who only sold Hemcore which was also made from the hemp plant & very similar. Unfortunately Hemcore stopped trading so I gave Raviera a try because it was only £7.49 for a 20 Kg bale & it's very similar but made from oil seed rape straw. I also buy big bales of hay from same supplier for £3.50 which I use for bedding & for feed. My 2 runs are both c&c 6x2 units measuring 85 inches by 28.5 inches & one bale of hay & raviera lasts about 5 weeks. I put a layer of newspaper down first followed by a 10 to 15mm layer of Rviera then cover this with a thin layer of hay. I change it every Sunday. I get the newspapers for free so total cost works out at less than £2 a week.
How long does the 20kg bag last you roughly?

I love the sound of Aubiouse but I've not found an online supplier yet :( will have to keep searching!
I get mine from a local equine supplier as I hate waiting in for deliveries after shopping online.

I use fleece for parts of my cage and aubiose in other parts
How deep a layer of aubiose do you use? And do you use newspaper under it? I just got a bale and i am not sure I am using it right! @Her Nibship
I used full newspapers opened out at the middle with a 1/2" or 15mm approx layer of auboise then a thin layer of hay on top. When they were in smaller runs (1.2m x .8m) I changed the hay & did a spot clean mid week but now they're in much larger runs this hasn't been necessary. I also use cat lit trays with white paper (teabag off-cut) bedding which are also changed midweek.
How deep a layer of aubiose do you use? And do you use newspaper under it? I just got a bale and i am not sure I am using it right! @Her Nibship

Yes, I use newspaper under the Aubiose - it makes it easier to roll it up and take out when I'm cleaning out. I initially put in a layer just thick enough that you can't see the newspaper through it. When I do the daily spot cleans I top up with a sprinkle in any areas where I've left it a bit sparse.
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