Junior Guinea Pig
I rescued a sow yesterday around 5 months old. I'm going to quarantine her for 2 weeks and let her settle then get her a female friend. Would a baby sow be better? Would a baby automatically be the less dominant one?
Can they both go in the cage my rescue is in at the moment?
I'd introduce on neutral territory in the run with veg, hay but no tunnels etc then after a few hours if it goes ok add some shelters with more than one way out. If that went ok could they both go in the cage if I cleaned it thoroughly?
Can they both go in the cage my rescue is in at the moment?
I'd introduce on neutral territory in the run with veg, hay but no tunnels etc then after a few hours if it goes ok add some shelters with more than one way out. If that went ok could they both go in the cage if I cleaned it thoroughly?