Bereavement for my Handsome Boy

Karee Haney

New Born Pup
May 19, 2024
Reaction score
Henderson, TX, USA
I'm new to this website so, please, bear with me.

I lost my boy Originally named Fender but somehow throughout our time together became Bubs/Chunky.

I had him from February of 2021 where I got him as an adult from a family friend and he passed during March of 2024.

Though we had a short 3 years together he became the love the love of my life. My mother had taken them in and given them to me. I had no idea what I was doing but then and to this day so I research and learn more about them. They went from a meager 3-4 sq ft cage to 21 sq ft. Strict pellet diet to Timothy hay and different types of hay hand made enrichment toys, and lots of lots of fresh veggies. His brother, Gibson (Gibbi) is still with me and has friends. I love him but my Bubs was so special. He would react to my stories and how my voice altered or changed. He would, literally, jump to me, kiss me, snuggle with me, and when he could tell I felt sad, even snuggled to take a nap with me. He was so unique. Since then I have adopted (10) more Guinea Pigs, 8 of which are still living, and Degus (4), 3 of which are still living, those that have passed have been due to illness related before our time together, but no one came before my Chunk. It's been a couple months and I still yearn for him. I think about him multiple times a day and cry. I've read other threads, but I can't seem to get past this. My most resent are 5 girls I rescued from a horrible breeder that was getting out of the business due to hay allergies. I love them, but I hate myself for this adoption as if I had moved on from my baby. I miss him so so much and I can't even put into words to explain my emotions to friends and family. I am lucky. They all listen to me and support me as I have seen others relatives do not. But still, I can't explain the hole in my heart. My OG 2 boys (Fender and Gibson) saved me as soon after I received them I fell into a deep depression due to loss of multiple family members and a relationship. The piggies saved my life. I can't explain it and I didn't fully care about them at the time the way I do now, but I couldn't physically get out of bed to do anything for days. I didn't soil myself, because I didn't have the need to use a restroom. For nearly a week I didn't pee/defecate, ear or drink water. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't sleep much either, a little but not a lot. Then my mom brought into my room (from my living room) and when I spoke even though I didn't have much of a voice, Fender wheeked for me. After that it was game over. All I could think about was them. I'd force myself to out of bed, which didn't seem possible before hand, and took care of them. He was the light and love of my life. I know this means nothing to anybody because I can't donate the way I feel so someone can understand, but he passed due to Leukemia. We thought we caught it early enough as I handled him and loved him everyday and noticed his swollen lymph nodes asap, but it wasn't enough and it's not really curable unless you remove the full area which is hard to do. But we thought (me and my exotics vet who also owns piggies) we could save him and that he was going to make it. I picked him up from the vet one day during a break from work and took him home. We spent a couple minutes together and I just knew that he wouldn't be there when I got home, but I tried to be optimistic. I went back to work and kept happy thoughts. When it was time to go home, the feeling hit me again, he wasn't going to be there. On my way home, the closer I got, the feeling got worse. As I walked up the stairs to my apartment, which he usually started the whole group wheeling when he heard my footsteps coming up them, it was silent. As I walked into my apartment, which is when he would start getting exceptionally loud, it was still dead silent. I knew before I left the apartment, and I knew it then, that he was not there. I walked into there room to see him laying on his side. From the temperature from his body he has probably passed not long after I left. I miss him so much and this is the first time I am able to fully write this out. I've had time and it is still so hard. I take good care of, but resent the new girls I've adopted because I miss him so much and refuse to let another even try to take his place. I got the new girls covered in ringworm (missing half their hair), completely emaciated (spine, ribs, and all bones showing through their hair), and given them space (15-20 of them, some babies, kept in a Midwestern cage, 4 adults and the rest babies) they had all picked on each other due to insufficient food or hay as well as space, obviously, many are missing half of their ear and have scabs which are now healing. I care for them, but I miss my baby boy.

All I want is for someone to hear me, give me their experiences, and possible even advice. I need help. I feel like most of my soul died with him. It makes me sick to my stomach when I think of him. I even did the math and for the animals I had at the time, it was a 14% chance that out of all of them, he got Lychemia. As HORRIBLE as it sounds, and I love them all, I wish it was anyone but him. Please, don't judge me. This was my baby, my Chunky Chunky.
Hello and welcome Karee - my heart breaks for you - your lovely Chunky knew how much he was loved by you and he was living his best life with you and his piggy friends. I understand your feeling of loss and that you can’t move on from it. You don’t have to….but you do have to learn to live with it. You can’t undo what happened. Chunky is always with you and look how he changed your life. Your life is richer for having had him in your life. Your other animals may not have the same special place in your heart but they love you as you do them.
I lost my dear Labrador Milo in 2021 and I still miss him. He left a massive space in my heart. I say hello and night night to a photo of him every day. I have another dog Oscar who I love too but as well as my love for Milo.
There is room in your heart for your other animals and I reckon Chunky would want you to share your special way with those animals.
In time the crying and desperation will lessen and you will be able to unlock those lovely memories of Chunky ❤️
Keep talking to us on here as we want to help and support you and that’s what TGPF does best
I am so sorry you lost Chunky, he sounded such a lovely boy and obviously your little soul mate. Learning to live with loss is something that we all have to experience throughout our lives and I truly feel for you and the emotional pain you are feeling. When I miss someone or one of my piggies I always try and think how lucky I been to have had them in my life and the happiness they gave me. Time is a great healer and at some point Chunky’s memories will bring a smile to your face. Take care :hug:
I'm new to this website so, please, bear with me.

I lost my boy Originally named Fender but somehow throughout our time together became Bubs/Chunky.

I had him from February of 2021 where I got him as an adult from a family friend and he passed during March of 2024.

Though we had a short 3 years together he became the love the love of my life. My mother had taken them in and given them to me. I had no idea what I was doing but then and to this day so I research and learn more about them. They went from a meager 3-4 sq ft cage to 21 sq ft. Strict pellet diet to Timothy hay and different types of hay hand made enrichment toys, and lots of lots of fresh veggies. His brother, Gibson (Gibbi) is still with me and has friends. I love him but my Bubs was so special. He would react to my stories and how my voice altered or changed. He would, literally, jump to me, kiss me, snuggle with me, and when he could tell I felt sad, even snuggled to take a nap with me. He was so unique. Since then I have adopted (10) more Guinea Pigs, 8 of which are still living, and Degus (4), 3 of which are still living, those that have passed have been due to illness related before our time together, but no one came before my Chunk. It's been a couple months and I still yearn for him. I think about him multiple times a day and cry. I've read other threads, but I can't seem to get past this. My most resent are 5 girls I rescued from a horrible breeder that was getting out of the business due to hay allergies. I love them, but I hate myself for this adoption as if I had moved on from my baby. I miss him so so much and I can't even put into words to explain my emotions to friends and family. I am lucky. They all listen to me and support me as I have seen others relatives do not. But still, I can't explain the hole in my heart. My OG 2 boys (Fender and Gibson) saved me as soon after I received them I fell into a deep depression due to loss of multiple family members and a relationship. The piggies saved my life. I can't explain it and I didn't fully care about them at the time the way I do now, but I couldn't physically get out of bed to do anything for days. I didn't soil myself, because I didn't have the need to use a restroom. For nearly a week I didn't pee/defecate, ear or drink water. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't sleep much either, a little but not a lot. Then my mom brought into my room (from my living room) and when I spoke even though I didn't have much of a voice, Fender wheeked for me. After that it was game over. All I could think about was them. I'd force myself to out of bed, which didn't seem possible before hand, and took care of them. He was the light and love of my life. I know this means nothing to anybody because I can't donate the way I feel so someone can understand, but he passed due to Leukemia. We thought we caught it early enough as I handled him and loved him everyday and noticed his swollen lymph nodes asap, but it wasn't enough and it's not really curable unless you remove the full area which is hard to do. But we thought (me and my exotics vet who also owns piggies) we could save him and that he was going to make it. I picked him up from the vet one day during a break from work and took him home. We spent a couple minutes together and I just knew that he wouldn't be there when I got home, but I tried to be optimistic. I went back to work and kept happy thoughts. When it was time to go home, the feeling hit me again, he wasn't going to be there. On my way home, the closer I got, the feeling got worse. As I walked up the stairs to my apartment, which he usually started the whole group wheeling when he heard my footsteps coming up them, it was silent. As I walked into my apartment, which is when he would start getting exceptionally loud, it was still dead silent. I knew before I left the apartment, and I knew it then, that he was not there. I walked into there room to see him laying on his side. From the temperature from his body he has probably passed not long after I left. I miss him so much and this is the first time I am able to fully write this out. I've had time and it is still so hard. I take good care of, but resent the new girls I've adopted because I miss him so much and refuse to let another even try to take his place. I got the new girls covered in ringworm (missing half their hair), completely emaciated (spine, ribs, and all bones showing through their hair), and given them space (15-20 of them, some babies, kept in a Midwestern cage, 4 adults and the rest babies) they had all picked on each other due to insufficient food or hay as well as space, obviously, many are missing half of their ear and have scabs which are now healing. I care for them, but I miss my baby boy.

All I want is for someone to hear me, give me their experiences, and possible even advice. I need help. I feel like most of my soul died with him. It makes me sick to my stomach when I think of him. I even did the math and for the animals I had at the time, it was a 14% chance that out of all of them, he got Lychemia. As HORRIBLE as it sounds, and I love them all, I wish it was anyone but him. Please, don't judge me. This was my baby, my Chunky Chunky.

Hi and welcome to our friendly forum


I am very sorry for your loss. Each bond and each love is unique. Chunky was lucky to have found you. He was quite obviously one of those 'one of a kind' larger than life piggies that God breaks the mould for each time when he sends them into the world. It is an immense blessing to meet one of these rare souls but it can be devastating to lose them because of your close bond.

It is very difficult and painful to make the step from not having them in your daily life to finding them inside yourself, in your precious memories and in the person they have helped you to grow into with their inspiration. Understanding from others can help a lot.
Speaking and writing about your loss as well as about specific memories as they come to your mind can also aid you with the processing and leave you with permanent reminders of special moments. Seeking professional support with pet bereavement services if you can find some where you are can be another source. In the USA it is unfortunately a bit more hit and miss.

I know from my own experiences that a loss can sometimes even be rather physical in your desire to touch your beloved one once more. I was blessed that after the sudden death of my very vocal Telyn 'Harp' in Welsh (baby name: Tegan 'Little Beauty') from congenitally caused sudden acute heart failure just a few days after her death. Rescue-born Telyn was part of a huge rodent intake of pregnant sows from a rogue neglect breeder in a case that went to court ad resulted in a conviction) which really took me hard that just 4 months later after Telyn's passing I ended up with a very unlikely surprise baby born here to a newly adopted sow. The baby turned out to be the legacy of a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post-neutering boar (which is pretty rare). Incidentally the surprise baby looked a bit like my very first own teenage piggy while I had adopted her mother because she reminded me of our first family piggy when I was a child. I named the surprise baby Tegan Syndod 'Little Beautiful Surprise' in memory of Telyn and this time 'Tegan' stuck as a name. The new Tegan is the baby in my avatar picture on the left. I have always strongly felt that she was meant to be here for the nearly 8 years she had with my Tribe (October 2011-August 2019) - and it is was quite a ride the new Tegan gave me in her time! 'Complex personality' doesn't quite cover it all...
(Here is my surprise baby Tegan from the avatar as an adult with her auntie Ffwlbri 'Moonlight' and her mum Tesni 'Sun-warmed')

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(Telyn, July 2009-July 2011 and Blodyn September 2022- )

Telyn in her looks has returned to me again in the shape of another baby born to a dumped trio of piggies rescued by a forum member - mother, daughter and son; the sows both pregnant by him. When I asked to adopt the trio plus all potential babies wholesale from the rescue they had been brought to little Blodyn 'Flower' hadn't been born yet, so the first picture I got of her was a very special bonus!
She and her family are going to be my last piggies; they are my last cavy bucket dream realised (adopting a bonded group) but their family looks are in fact another homage to my most special piggy ever, Minx - my own version of your Chunky. I have treated myself to a vague lookalike roughly every four years (Telyn was the baby of my first lookalike adoptee) once I had made my peace with my loss of Minx. But I have always stayed away from carbon copies or giving them a similar name in order to not burden them (and me) with unfair expectations.
My ready-made dumped Cornish family in November 2022, just after the mother's two baby boys were born here. Blodyn - in the middle - now lives with one of her 6 weeks younger baby half-brothers on the right

It is coming up to 20 years in less than two months since Minx's big sad eyes looked directly at me from a garden centre pen and followed me even into my dreams; so much so that my exasperated, sleep deprived husband reserved and bought her for me (with a companion of course).
Just like you, I sadly had Minx only for 3 years but there wasn't a single morning I wasn't looking forward to seeing her again. Even though I was braced for it, her death took me much harder than expected and it took me about 18 months to get over it - finding this forum did the trick for me since I had nobody who really understood the depth of our bond. Like you, I couldn't feel anything towards the new piggy, which her acutey bereaved widowed companion Dizzy chose for herself on a visit to a rescue for the first several weeks; if anything there was some anger towards him because she had chosen a very skittish desexed boar who was looking just a bit too much like Minx although he was a smooth/American instead of an aby.

My three magical years with Minx are still the best time of my life. I will always treasure that pivotal and in many ways healing time in the wake of my dad's loss after several years of battling terminal cancer. I strongly feel that she was meant to be; losing her was initially paralysing but it has also given me the seeds of taking my life into an entirely new and fulfilling direction and to fully grow into my own as a person.

Here is my forum tribute to Minx on her 10th death anniversary: Minx: It Is 10 Years Today...

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(Minx, bought July 2004-October 2007 and Llewelyn, adopted October 2007-January 2010)

Of the roughly 90 piggies passing through my life since Minx (20 of which are still with me), none has ever come close but there have been other, different bonds that have been very special in their own way, like Telyn and then Tegan and others as well, quite a number of which I have adopted sight unseen.

Love is not like a bucket that is dry once empty; it is like a river that flows on through new banks and which changes as it flows on and turns into a river from a brook; there will be other tributaries that add their own water. But you carry the same water with you right from where it has sprung inside yourself all your life; it is never lost.
I still carry my own beloved ones with me. They are my little furry guardian angels looking out for my current piggies - what my angel piggies have taught me over the years now benefits my current Tribe, so it is a bit of a visualisation of the still ongoing process of turning their legacy into something constructive and beneficial for other piggies and pwners, and for exploring different directions over the years.

I never wanted another Minx after losing her - knowing I would never get back what I had lost - but her successor Llewelyn has in turn become the founding patriarch around with I have built up my Welsh named Tribe group, which has taken me on a very different but equally rewarding journey and adventure, which then gradually morphed into yet something else in due time.
In the end, it doesn't matter how short or long you have a piggy but what you have made of the time you have shared and the love and care you give each other - and what you then go on and do with that whenever you are ready for the next step.

You may also find these links here helpful and healing:
- Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children (The very practical but sensitive bereavement guide for our forum)
- On grief, and hope (a beautiful and very insightful write-up from a forum member with major bereavement issues who found us after reading my article below)
- I have written about my last day with Minx, Llewelyn's arrival and my own slow grieving process for Guinea Pig Magazine issue 45, 'A Perfect Gift' pages 37-39 if you want to order a digital copy of the back issue which deals with bereavement aspects. You may find that quite a bit of it will resonate deeply with you.

I sincerely hope that this helps you and that my own long term perspective can help you find your own way through your loss and eventually learn how to live with it in a good way.