Forum Donator 2023/24
Hi all,
I was posting on here over the weekend about our beautiful Nugget who went downhill very quickly and passed away yesterday at 5 years old. She had progressing arthritis, cystitis, stone/s and enlarged kidneys at the end. Despite early treatment it was all too much and who knows what else might have been happening under the surface that the vets couldn't tell.
This morning I have been paying close attention to our remaining five piggies, especially our remaining senior Oreo who is 6 years old. They're all doing well eating and drinking and being active in the cage. We're giving them extra attention, new treats and enrichment, and will weigh daily.
Oreo has arthritis which is managed with Loxicom but her back legs are noticeably weaker. I noticed she was nodding back and forth only very slightly, only noticeable by looking closely when she was resting. Nugget was doing this along with symptoms of cystitis and I had rushed her to the vet about 10 days ago. I feared Oreo has a URI and rushed her to the vet. A different vet saw her than saw Nugget. Perhaps Nugget also had a URI that we didn't pick up because she didn't show any signs of it. I thought the nodding was a sign of increased pain and the two vets Nugget saw within a week did not check her for a URI. The antibiotics she was on for the UTI should have helped a URI anyway I guess.
The vet found Oreo's breathing is slightly faster and she sounds chesty so diagnosed URI. No other symptoms and the vet said she thinks we caught it early. She also has pain in her bladder so diagnosed cystitis as well. Not sure if she may have a stone/s but Oreo has an appointment booked with the exotic vet in a week's time. Vet prescribed Baytril 0.4ml twice a day for one week, which she said is good for UTIs. Asked about different antibiotics and she said Sulfatrim is good for URIs but had been stopped so she could not give us that right now and said to come back if Oreo does not improve to try a different antibiotic. Asked again about probiotics but she said not to worry because they're for diarrhoea/gut problems and Oreo's guts are very good. She even peed and pooped on the table to show us. Urine looks good and Oreo didn't seem to struggle to pee. Asked about increasing pain relief by adding a different one as I can tell Oreo's legs are weaker and her mobility is a bit more hobbly. The vet said she wanted to do the course of antibiotics first because something like gabapentin could make her feel wobbly and increase risk of turning her off her food.
We know that Oreo is quite frail and are preparing ourselves in case she deteriorates and follows Nugget over the rainbow bridge. We were treating Nugget but ultimately it was not enough. I've heard URIs can be quick and fatal
but we are hoping she can pull through these issues. If she has stone/s too I don't think she is suitable for surgery due to frailness and her arthritis, and we wouldn't want to put her through that.
My questions are:
- Do we give Oreo probiotics anyway, even if her guts are good and she continues eating/drinking as normal, for support and prevention?
- Do we need to be concerned that our four 1.5 year olds could also get URIs, or even UTIs if they're infectious? (I was concerned about Oreo catching infections because of her age.)
I have asked all our piggies to start showing us symptoms when they get sick but I don't think they will start any time soon! They're masters at having almost no visible symptoms!
I was posting on here over the weekend about our beautiful Nugget who went downhill very quickly and passed away yesterday at 5 years old. She had progressing arthritis, cystitis, stone/s and enlarged kidneys at the end. Despite early treatment it was all too much and who knows what else might have been happening under the surface that the vets couldn't tell.
This morning I have been paying close attention to our remaining five piggies, especially our remaining senior Oreo who is 6 years old. They're all doing well eating and drinking and being active in the cage. We're giving them extra attention, new treats and enrichment, and will weigh daily.
Oreo has arthritis which is managed with Loxicom but her back legs are noticeably weaker. I noticed she was nodding back and forth only very slightly, only noticeable by looking closely when she was resting. Nugget was doing this along with symptoms of cystitis and I had rushed her to the vet about 10 days ago. I feared Oreo has a URI and rushed her to the vet. A different vet saw her than saw Nugget. Perhaps Nugget also had a URI that we didn't pick up because she didn't show any signs of it. I thought the nodding was a sign of increased pain and the two vets Nugget saw within a week did not check her for a URI. The antibiotics she was on for the UTI should have helped a URI anyway I guess.
The vet found Oreo's breathing is slightly faster and she sounds chesty so diagnosed URI. No other symptoms and the vet said she thinks we caught it early. She also has pain in her bladder so diagnosed cystitis as well. Not sure if she may have a stone/s but Oreo has an appointment booked with the exotic vet in a week's time. Vet prescribed Baytril 0.4ml twice a day for one week, which she said is good for UTIs. Asked about different antibiotics and she said Sulfatrim is good for URIs but had been stopped so she could not give us that right now and said to come back if Oreo does not improve to try a different antibiotic. Asked again about probiotics but she said not to worry because they're for diarrhoea/gut problems and Oreo's guts are very good. She even peed and pooped on the table to show us. Urine looks good and Oreo didn't seem to struggle to pee. Asked about increasing pain relief by adding a different one as I can tell Oreo's legs are weaker and her mobility is a bit more hobbly. The vet said she wanted to do the course of antibiotics first because something like gabapentin could make her feel wobbly and increase risk of turning her off her food.
We know that Oreo is quite frail and are preparing ourselves in case she deteriorates and follows Nugget over the rainbow bridge. We were treating Nugget but ultimately it was not enough. I've heard URIs can be quick and fatal

My questions are:
- Do we give Oreo probiotics anyway, even if her guts are good and she continues eating/drinking as normal, for support and prevention?
- Do we need to be concerned that our four 1.5 year olds could also get URIs, or even UTIs if they're infectious? (I was concerned about Oreo catching infections because of her age.)
I have asked all our piggies to start showing us symptoms when they get sick but I don't think they will start any time soon! They're masters at having almost no visible symptoms!