Bereaved Piggy Plus Rescue Girly


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2017
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Some of you may have seen that my poor wee Angus passed away last night. I'm heartbroken but my other 2 piggies need my love and I have to do what is best for them.

First Dougal who lived next door to Angus. We rescued him a few weeks ago and he and Angus had started to bond. He's struggling with his loss. He's been bleating all day, off his food and generally just showing his signs of grief. He's needed lots of love and cuddles today which is very unusual for the wee guy. He is intact and was rescued as a buddy for Angus who had been bereaved when we rescued him. He is very young and boisterous which may be an issue.

Next I have Millie, again a rescue piggy who had to be seized by sspca from her previous home. She was on her own there and had been malnourished, matted and soaked in her own urine. I have to say she was still like that when I brought her home from the sspca rescue. She is a very timid wee girl who is a gentle soul and i think needs a piggy who is not too dominant to keep her company due to her previous trauma.

I had thought of getting Dougal neutered and trying to bond them but realistically I just don't see them as compatible. Dougal had previously managed to get in beside my giant bunny and hump her (poor thing is usually the dominant one! Imagine her and my shock at this!)

We have a loving home and would never want our piggies to suffer or be lonely. We have Dougal and Millie in separate rooms so that the wee man isn't driven mad.

Any advice would be greatfully received.

Meg x
Oh sorry for your loss, it's always difficult dealing with those remaining and how best to keep them company.

You know your own piggies and personalities so if you feel that Douglas and Millie won't bond together then it's worth considering looking for a friend or two to bond with. Take your time to consider what to do, but using a cuddly toy whilst grieving does work.
I am very sorry you lost your little Angus :( Huge hugs

Found a rescue for you in Scotland Ayrs Guinea Pig Rescue and Rehoming Centre unsure how close they are to you

Thank you @sport_billy we have spent the evening calling around more local rescue centres as it seems we will need to get a sow sooner than later for our wee Millie.

Dougal is bouncing around quite the thing and while we will be looking at boar dating in the very near future Millie is very sad looking just lying about.
Thank you @sport_billy we have spent the evening calling around more local rescue centres as it seems we will need to get a sow sooner than later for our wee Millie.

Dougal is bouncing around quite the thing and while we will be looking at boar dating in the very near future Millie is very sad looking just lying about.

I'm sorry ,it is so worrying with the ones left behind
Is she eating okay? Have a read of this Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig if you havent seen it
Yeah I don't think it's the bereavement that has affected her to be honest as they were in separate rooms. She is eating plenty and drinking. I think it's because of the traumatic removal from the horrid conditions I think she's always been a lonely girl just nobody cared until now
Yeah I don't think it's the bereavement that has affected her to be honest as they were in separate rooms. She is eating plenty and drinking. I think it's because of the traumatic removal from the horrid conditions I think she's always been a lonely girl just nobody cared until now

Ah, sorry I miss read that.. Poor little girl, she is safe with you now
I think I saw a photo of her in the Breeds section of the forum, she was a long haired pretty piggy yes?
Awwww bless her :love: I do hope you can find her a friend soon. Please keep us updated on her
I hope that you can find her a friend of her own liking; ideally by letting her choose!