Bereaved Boar And Toys That Smell Like Sows

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 14, 2015
Reaction score
Lincolnshire, UK
Earlier this week one of my friends unfortunately lost one of her boys. It happened very suddenly and he hadn't been ill before hand; he wasn't that old from what we could tell, either (he was a rescue guinea pig, so his exact age was unsure but we think he was 2-3 years). My friend is, understandably, upset and right now doesn't want to get another piggy friend; she hasn't said she won't, just that for the time being she does not want to. She asked me my opinion on it and I said to keep an eye on the remaining piggy as, ultimately, it was him who would decide when she would need to get him a friend. I also linked her to the bereaved piggy thread on this forum.

When I was looking at the thread myself it said about having a stuffed animal or some such that smelt like the other guinea pig could help. I was wondering, I have four piggies myself, would it help at all if I loaned her some of their toys, such as their cuddle cup, because it'll smell like another piggy? However, I don't know if the smell of four piggies he has never met would maybe be seen as a threat rather than a comfort? Also, I have four sows, so, again, would giving him something that smelt like lady pigs actually be more frustrating than helpful?

I just want to help and I'm not really sure how other than offering emotional support. I'd have said that my friend's guinea pig could visit or holiday with mine if it wasn't for the mixed sexes and the fact he is neutered (and mine are not spayed). I would even have suggested she could have him neutered and let him visit, but it's obviously a long process and not one I'm sure he'd be up for right now given that he has just lost his cage mate (plus, I'm not sure my friend would want to risk losing another piggy).

Any advice on how I might be able to help this lone piggy would be great, thank you!
I'm sure it couldn't hurt, either the cuddle cup will be happily welcomed or it won't but I doubt it would make things worse maybe offer it outside the cage first and see how it goes
I don't think it will help. My boar wants the sows! Only the smell can make him upset.
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