Bereaved 3mo old boar - pair with senior solo boar?


Forum Donator 2024/25
Dec 7, 2023
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Tennessee, United States
Wilboar is 3 months old. His buddy, Chestnut, was of indeterminate but probably very senior age. He died last night, suddenly. We have another boar, GuinGuin - one of our original two - who has seemed quite happy and bright since his cagemate died over the summer. We're considering try to bond Wilboar and GuinGuin. They are both big dudes, with GuinGuin being 1300+g and Wilboar already over 800g. GuinGuin was pretty chill and was not the dominant pig in his previous relationship - I think he enjoys being his own boss now, though. Young man is, well, young. Any advice, cautions? We know we need to make sure Wilboar has a new buddy ASAP, and we are willing to adopt another one if need be, but space is limited and we would be able to accommodate our boys better if there were just two instead of three.
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

This is (i hope!) the guide to bonding which should be helpful . All you can do in the end really is try, you can't make a relationship work if they decide they don't like each other.

If GuinGuin was the submissive one previously, that could mean they are more likely to get on - but there's no guarantee. Have a read of the bonding guide, get prepared with everything you need and set aside a day to try them together in a neutral space while you observe.

I've always left it to rescues to bond new piggies, so I can't give any more tips from experience, but good luck with trying them together 🍀
Wilboar is 3 months old. His buddy, Chestnut, was of indeterminate but probably very senior age. He died last night, suddenly. We have another boar, GuinGuin - one of our original two - who has seemed quite happy and bright since his cagemate died over the summer. We're considering try to bond Wilboar and GuinGuin. They are both big dudes, with GuinGuin being 1300+g and Wilboar already over 800g. GuinGuin was pretty chill and was not the dominant pig in his previous relationship - I think he enjoys being his own boss now, though. Young man is, well, young. Any advice, cautions? We know we need to make sure Wilboar has a new buddy ASAP, and we are willing to adopt another one if need be, but space is limited and we would be able to accommodate our boys better if there were just two instead of three.


I am so sorry for your loss.

Please take the time to read our bonding guide link in the post above.

Be aware that at 3 months old, the bonding could trigger a first hormone rush as the testicles are getting ready to descend. Wilboar is currently coming to the end of his 'school weeks' where he is desperate to have a guardian who takes him on a teaches him to master his environment and the finer points of piggy etiquette but he is not quite a teenager yet so the bonding could go either way.

Have a plan B ready in case things don't work out. You could consider having the two boars living as next door neighbours with full sensory interaction (scent and body language as well as vocalisation).

As long as Wilboar is still eating and drinking and not totally distraught, you have ideally about 1-4 weeks leeway for finding a new friend. Just pushing the two boys next to each other will go a long way.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs

Looking After a Bereaved Guinea Pig
Thanks @Wiebke. I did read the guide, but there were some things I wasn't sure how to weigh, many of which you mention in your reply. They are together right now trying to work things out. Wilboar very clearly wants to be with GuinGuin but old GuinGuin is not amused. He's put Wilboar in his place several times. It is loud and stinky. It's gotten pretty, uh, athletic a few times, but they're not hurting each other and Wilboar keeps trying to connect. GuinGuin is currently trying to escape the enclosure. He's used to being taken home on demand and he is very indignant right now. 😂 We'll give it plenty of time tonight and if we can't feel confident about it, we'll put Wilboar in with GuinGuin and use a divider (the cage is big enough short term) so Wilboar has companionship and we have peace of mind until we can get him bonded with a new friend. Wilboar has dropped about 20g which is the first time he's ever registered a loss. He's eating, but we're a bit on edge and not keen to take chances!
When my surprise piggy Rebel was born, my old boar Barty was still with his sister, when Rebel turned 3 weeks old, he became very frisky with his mam and auntie. Barty's sister suddenly died leaving him distraught, so I chanced putting Rebel in with him, Barty took to him immediately and they became inseparable. They lived together for nearly a year when Barty died, I took the decision to get Rebel neutered and once safe, he was reintroduced to the ladies and lived happily ever after. 👍
Thanks @Wiebke. I did read the guide, but there were some things I wasn't sure how to weigh, many of which you mention in your reply. They are together right now trying to work things out. Wilboar very clearly wants to be with GuinGuin but old GuinGuin is not amused. He's put Wilboar in his place several times. It is loud and stinky. It's gotten pretty, uh, athletic a few times, but they're not hurting each other and Wilboar keeps trying to connect. GuinGuin is currently trying to escape the enclosure. He's used to being taken home on demand and he is very indignant right now. 😂 We'll give it plenty of time tonight and if we can't feel confident about it, we'll put Wilboar in with GuinGuin and use a divider (the cage is big enough short term) so Wilboar has companionship and we have peace of mind until we can get him bonded with a new friend. Wilboar has dropped about 20g which is the first time he's ever registered a loss. He's eating, but we're a bit on edge and not keen to take chances!

All the best.

As long as there is no aggression in it, you can let them run on for the time being. Boar bonding is always stinky - that also applies to neutered boars. Testosterone is also excreted with the pee and any bonding is a peeing fest.

The daily weight is swinging about 30g over the course of 24 hours; 20g is the equivalent of two large pees and nothing to worry about at this stage. Wilboar will pick up again all on his own. He is not ill, just grieving and upset, and that is going to correct itself once his appetite for life is fully back. That is why we do not talk about weight loss before 50g.
Weight - Monitoring and Management
PS: It can also be something pressing on the digestive tract; especially in the throat/back of the mouth area, from my own experiences.
An update: the boys never had any truly aggressive episodes, so I put them in the cage together. I'm interpreting what I saw then as exuberant play - dashing around the cage, chasing, popcorning. Both were engaged in chasing and being chased, and in popcorning. More popcorning than I've ever seen out of GuinGuin. There was also some protesting and nipping, but still no real aggression. I don't think GuinGuin is really thrilled with the idea of having a cagemate, particularly one who wants to be his shadow. (He and his previous cagemate were rarely snuggly.) He expresses his annoyance frequently. But if all they do is tolerate each other long enough for us to get another buddy for Wilboar, I'm ok with that.
An update: the boys never had any truly aggressive episodes, so I put them in the cage together. I'm interpreting what I saw then as exuberant play - dashing around the cage, chasing, popcorning. Both were engaged in chasing and being chased, and in popcorning. More popcorning than I've ever seen out of GuinGuin. There was also some protesting and nipping, but still no real aggression. I don't think GuinGuin is really thrilled with the idea of having a cagemate, particularly one who wants to be his shadow. (He and his previous cagemate were rarely snuggly.) He expresses his annoyance frequently. But if all they do is tolerate each other long enough for us to get another buddy for Wilboar, I'm ok with that.


It sounds perfectly normal - GuinGuin is happy but he is also exerting his dominance and - like all somewhat insecure leaders - insists on having his 'private sphere' respected by a youngster. Your boys are already in the thick of group establishing dominance and the bonding hs worked.

If GuinGuin is popcorning when meeting Wilboar, this means that acceptance has happened and that when the chips are down after the whole bonding process has finished in about 2 weeks' time he wants to be with Wilboar. They are currently just working through the whole manual and you have to sit that out. It is however safe to transfer them to the revamped cage any time you like now.
We would love to see pigtures of your chunky hunks when they are more settled please 😍
Here are our sweet dudes, who seem to be sharing a cage peacefully so far! GuinGuin is the big brown fella, Wilboar is our ginger abby baby who's well on his way to challenging GuinGuin for our household heavyweight champion. (And no, Wilbaor did not eat the whole apple, he had a few bites before I finished it.)


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