Tonight about ten minuets ago Bella one of my pggies was very distressed and went for lola her sister*i hope, i tryed to take her out for a cuddle to clam her down tryign to catch her she sqeeked and peed on my hand i know it was probably best to leave her but it was the tenth time tonight i saw her try to bite lola (they get along fine most of the time) so i gave her a quick ciddle and strock to try and clam her down but when i tryed to put her back she jumped out of my hand and hut the floor she looks ok i know she got a huge fright as did i. I feel so bad but she was particuarly jumpy. My boyfriend loves my pggies as much as me and got her out of her cage again easyer than me and gave her a check and gave her some parsly that she ate no problem, I think shes pregnant because she getting bigger and over the last few weeks she has beacem even more shy , she was never one for wanting out for cuddle but she would alwasy settle down and has even lay flat nearly sleeping on my boyfriends tummy! please help.
* new thread in health section Lola may be a Luie!
* new thread in health section Lola may be a Luie!